Riordan, Rick
The Lightning thief / Rick Riordan - 375 pages
After learning that he is the son of a mortal woman and Poseidon, god of the sea, twelve-year-old Percy is sent to a summer camp for demigods like himself, and joins his new friends on a quest to prevent a war between the gods.
Fathers and sons --Fiction.
Quakers --Fiction.
Mythology, Greek --Juvenile fiction.
Poseidon -- (Greek deity) --Fiction.
The Lightning thief / Rick Riordan - 375 pages
After learning that he is the son of a mortal woman and Poseidon, god of the sea, twelve-year-old Percy is sent to a summer camp for demigods like himself, and joins his new friends on a quest to prevent a war between the gods.
Fathers and sons --Fiction.
Quakers --Fiction.
Mythology, Greek --Juvenile fiction.
Poseidon -- (Greek deity) --Fiction.