Harris, Andy, 1964-
HTML, XHTML, and CSS all-in-one desk reference for dummies / Andy Harris. - xxvi, 930 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. - For dummies .
Includes index.
Bk. I. Creating the XHTML Foundation
Ch. 1. Sound HTML Foundations
Ch. 2. It's All about Validation
Ch. 3. Choosing Your Tools
Ch. 4. Managing Information with Lists and Tables
Ch. 5. Making Connections with Links
Ch. 6. Adding Images
Ch. 7. Creating Forms
Bk. II. Styling With CSS
Ch. 1. Coloring Your World
Ch. 2. Styling Text
Ch. 3. Selectors, Class, and Style
Ch. 4. Borders and Backgrounds
Ch. 5. Levels of CSS
Bk. III. Using Positional CSS for Layout
Ch. 1. Fun with the Fabulous Float
Ch. 2. Building Floating Page Layouts
Ch. 3. Styling Lists and Menus
Ch. 4. Using Alternative Positioning
Bk. IV. Client-Side Programming With JavaScript
Ch. 1. Getting Started with JavaScript
Ch. 2. Making Decisions with Conditions
Ch. 3. Loops and Debugging
Ch. 4. Functions and Arrays
Ch. 5. Talking to the Page
Ch. 6. Getting Valid Input
Ch. 7. Animating Your Pages
Bk. V. Server-Side Programming With PHP
Ch. 1. Setting Up Your Server
Ch. 2. Generating HTML with PHP
Ch. 3. PHP and XHTML Forms
Ch. 4. Control Structures
Ch. 5. Working with Arrays
Ch. 6. Using Functions and Session Variables
Ch. 7. Working with Files and Directories
Ch. 8. Connecting to a MySQL Database
Bk. VI. Databases with MySQL
Ch. 1. Getting Started with Data
Ch. 2. Managing Data with SQL
Ch. 3. Normalizing Your Data
Ch. 4. Putting Data Together with Joins
Bk. VII. Into the Future tilth AJAX
Ch. 1. AJAX Essentials
Ch. 2. Improving JavaScript with jQuery
Ch. 3. Animating with jQuery
Ch. 4. Sending and Receiving Data
Bk. VIII. Moving from Web Pages to Web Sites
Ch. 1. Managing Your Servers
Ch. 2. Moving from Pages to Sites
Ch. 3. Introducing Content Management Systems
Ch. 4. Taking Control of Content
App. A. What's on the CD
A single source reference covering the basics of HTML, XHTML, and CSS explains how to integrate Cascading Style Sheets with Hypertext Markup Language and eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language to create a variety of dynamic Web pages, with coverage of AJAX, client-side programming with JavaScript, server-based programming with PHP, MySQL and databases, and more
HTML (Document markup language)
XHTML (Document markup language)
HTML, XHTML, and CSS all-in-one desk reference for dummies / Andy Harris. - xxvi, 930 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. - For dummies .
Includes index.
Bk. I. Creating the XHTML Foundation
Ch. 1. Sound HTML Foundations
Ch. 2. It's All about Validation
Ch. 3. Choosing Your Tools
Ch. 4. Managing Information with Lists and Tables
Ch. 5. Making Connections with Links
Ch. 6. Adding Images
Ch. 7. Creating Forms
Bk. II. Styling With CSS
Ch. 1. Coloring Your World
Ch. 2. Styling Text
Ch. 3. Selectors, Class, and Style
Ch. 4. Borders and Backgrounds
Ch. 5. Levels of CSS
Bk. III. Using Positional CSS for Layout
Ch. 1. Fun with the Fabulous Float
Ch. 2. Building Floating Page Layouts
Ch. 3. Styling Lists and Menus
Ch. 4. Using Alternative Positioning
Bk. IV. Client-Side Programming With JavaScript
Ch. 1. Getting Started with JavaScript
Ch. 2. Making Decisions with Conditions
Ch. 3. Loops and Debugging
Ch. 4. Functions and Arrays
Ch. 5. Talking to the Page
Ch. 6. Getting Valid Input
Ch. 7. Animating Your Pages
Bk. V. Server-Side Programming With PHP
Ch. 1. Setting Up Your Server
Ch. 2. Generating HTML with PHP
Ch. 3. PHP and XHTML Forms
Ch. 4. Control Structures
Ch. 5. Working with Arrays
Ch. 6. Using Functions and Session Variables
Ch. 7. Working with Files and Directories
Ch. 8. Connecting to a MySQL Database
Bk. VI. Databases with MySQL
Ch. 1. Getting Started with Data
Ch. 2. Managing Data with SQL
Ch. 3. Normalizing Your Data
Ch. 4. Putting Data Together with Joins
Bk. VII. Into the Future tilth AJAX
Ch. 1. AJAX Essentials
Ch. 2. Improving JavaScript with jQuery
Ch. 3. Animating with jQuery
Ch. 4. Sending and Receiving Data
Bk. VIII. Moving from Web Pages to Web Sites
Ch. 1. Managing Your Servers
Ch. 2. Moving from Pages to Sites
Ch. 3. Introducing Content Management Systems
Ch. 4. Taking Control of Content
App. A. What's on the CD
A single source reference covering the basics of HTML, XHTML, and CSS explains how to integrate Cascading Style Sheets with Hypertext Markup Language and eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language to create a variety of dynamic Web pages, with coverage of AJAX, client-side programming with JavaScript, server-based programming with PHP, MySQL and databases, and more
HTML (Document markup language)
XHTML (Document markup language)