Guzman, Maybelle K.
Living language: assessment of language proficiency and needs in the professions and in the professions and in the workplace/ Maybelle K. Guzman, Ruby G. Alcantara, Patricia B. Arinto, Erniel B. Barrios, Jonathan C. Malicsi, Nila S. Ocampo, Ma. Corazon Dp. Marcial - viii , 511 pages; 25 cm.
9718729135 9789718729137
Language arts
Living language: assessment of language proficiency and needs in the professions and in the professions and in the workplace/ Maybelle K. Guzman, Ruby G. Alcantara, Patricia B. Arinto, Erniel B. Barrios, Jonathan C. Malicsi, Nila S. Ocampo, Ma. Corazon Dp. Marcial - viii , 511 pages; 25 cm.
9718729135 9789718729137
Language arts