Stilton, Geronimo
Paws off, cheddarface! / Geronimo Stilton - 113 pages : color illustrations ; 20 cm
Holey cheese, it was strange! All across New Mouse City, rodents kept telling me I'd done things I had no memory of. Was I going crazy? Had the cheese finally slipped off my cracker? No, that wasn't it. I soon discovered the truth: There was a Geronimo lookalike going around, pretending to be me! He'd even fooled my sister Thea. Worst of all, he was trying to take over The Rodent's Gazette! I had to get that greedy impostor's paws off my newspaper, but how?
Action and adventure fiction
Adventure fiction
Humorous stories
Stilton, Geronimo (Fictitious character)--Fiction
Paws off, cheddarface! / Geronimo Stilton - 113 pages : color illustrations ; 20 cm
Holey cheese, it was strange! All across New Mouse City, rodents kept telling me I'd done things I had no memory of. Was I going crazy? Had the cheese finally slipped off my cracker? No, that wasn't it. I soon discovered the truth: There was a Geronimo lookalike going around, pretending to be me! He'd even fooled my sister Thea. Worst of all, he was trying to take over The Rodent's Gazette! I had to get that greedy impostor's paws off my newspaper, but how?
Action and adventure fiction
Adventure fiction
Humorous stories
Stilton, Geronimo (Fictitious character)--Fiction