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Contents<br/>Preface<br/>Part I Vertebrate Diversity, Function, and Evolution<br/> 1 The Diversity, Classification, and Evolution of Vertebrates<br/>1.1 The Vertebrate Story<br/>1.2 Classification of Vertebrates<br/>1.3 Phylogenetic Systematics<br/>1.4 The Problem with Fossils: Crown and Stem Groups<br/>1.5 Evolutionary Hypotheses<br/>1.6 Earth History and Vertebrate Evolutionary<br/>Summary, Additional Readings<br/> 2 Vertebrate Relationships and Basic Structure<br/>2.1 Vertebrates in Relation to Other Animals<br/>2.2 Definition of a Vertebrate <br/>2.3 Basic Vertebrate Structure<br/>Summary, Additional Readings<br/> 3 Early Vertebrates: Jawless Vertebrates and the Origin of Jawed Vertebrates<br/>3.1 Reconstructing the Biology of the Earliest Vertebrates<br/>3.2 Extant Jawless Fishes<br/>3.3 The Radiation of Paleozoic Jawless Vertebrates? Ostracoderms?<br/>3.4 The Basic Gnathostome Design<br/>3.5 The Transition from Jawless to Jawed Vertebrates<br/>3.6 Extinct Paleozoic Jawed Fishes<br/>Summary, Additional Readings<br/>Part II Non-Amniotic Vertebrates: Fishes and Amphibians<br/> 4 Living in Water<br/>4.1 The Aquatic Environment<br/> Box 4?1 Water?A Nice Place to Visit, But Would You Want to Live There?<br/>4.2 Water and the Sensory World of Fishes<br/>4.3 The Internal Environment of Vertebrates<br/>4.4 Exchange of Water and Ions<br/>4.5 Responses to Temperature<br/>Summary, Additional Readings<br/> 5 Radiation of the Chondrichthyes <br/>5.1 Chondrichthyes?The Cartilaginous Fishes<br/>5.2 Evolutionary Specializations of Chondrichthyes<br/>5.3 The Paleozoic Chondrichthyan Radiation<br/>5.4 The Early Mesozoic Elasmobranch Radiation<br/>5.5 The Extant Radiation?Sharks, Skates, and Rays<br/>5.6 Holocephali?The Bizarre Chondrichthyans<br/>Summary, Additional Readings<br/> 6 Dominating Life in Water: The Major Radiation of Fishes<br/>6.1 The Appearance of Bony Fishes<br/>6.2 Extant Sarcopterygii?Lobe-Finned Fishes<br/>6.3 Evolution of the Actinopterygii<br/> Box 6?1 Brainy Fish <br/>6.4 Extant Actinopterygii?Ray-Finned Fishes<br/>6.5 Locomotion in Water <br/>6.6 Actinopterygian Reproduction<br/> Box 6?2 What a Fish's Ears Tell About Its Life<br/>6.7 The Adaptable Fish?Teleost Communities in Contrasting Environments<br/>6.8 Conservation of Fishes<br/> Box 6?3 A Lot is Fishy in Genetic Research<br/> Summary, Additional Readings<br/> 7 Geography and Ecology of the Paleozoic Era<br/>7.1 Earth History, Changing Environments, and Vertebrate Evolution<br/>7.2 Continental Geography of the Paleozoic<br/>7.3 Paleozoic Climates<br/>7.4 Paleozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems<br/>7.5 Paleozoic Extinctions<br/>Additional Readings<br/> 8 Living on Land<br/>8.1 Support and Locomotion on Land<br/> Box 8?1 Size and Scaling in Terrestrial Vertebrates<br/>8.2 Eating on Land<br/>8.3 Reproduction on Land<br/>8.4 Breathing Air <br/>8.5 Pumping Blood Uphill<br/>8.6 Sensory Systems in Air <br/> Box 8?2 Echolocation in Air and Water<br/>8.7 Conserving Water in a Dry Environment<br/>8.8 Controlling Body Temperature in a Changing Environment<br/>Summary, Additional Readings<br/> 9 Origin and Radiation of Tetrapods<br/>9.1 Tetrapod Origins<br/> Box 9?1 Early Feet<br/>9.2 Radiation and Diversity of Non-amniotic Paleozoic Tetrapods<br/>9.3 Amniotes<br/>Summary, Additional Readings<br/> 10 Salamanders, Anurans, and Caecilians<br/>10.1 Amphibians<br/>10.2 Diversity of Life Histories of Amphibians<br/>10.3 Amphibian Metamorphosis<br/>10.4 Exchange of Water and Gases<br/>10.5 Poison Glands and Other Defense Mechanisms<br/>10.6 Mimicry<br/>10.7 Why Are Amphibians Vanishing?<br/>Summary, Additional Readings<br/>Part III Sauropsida: Turtles, Lepidosaurs, and Birds<br/> 11 Synapsids and Sauropsids: Two Approaches to Terrestrial Life<br/>11.1 Taking Advantage of the Opportunity for Sustained Locomotion<br/>11.2 Increasing Gas Exchange: The Trachea and Lungs <br/> Box 11?1 High-Flying Birds<br/>11.3 Transporting Oxygen to the Muscles: Structure of the Heart<br/>11.4 Taking Advantage of Wasted Energy: Endothermy<br/>11.5 Getting Rid of Wastes: The Kidneys and Bladder<br/>11.6 Sensing and Making Sense of the World: Eyes, Ears, Tongues, Noses, and Brains<br/>Summary, Additional Readings<br/> 12 Turtles<br/>12.1 Everyone Recognizes a Turtle<br/>12.2 But What Is a Turtle? Phylogenetic Relationships of Turtles<br/>12.3 Turtle Structure and Functions<br/>12.4 Ecology and Behavior of Turtles<br/>12.5 Conservation of Turtles <br/> Box 12?1 Sick Turtles <br/> Summary, Additional Readings<br/> 13 The Lepidosaurs: Tuatara, Lizards, and Snakes<br/>13.1 The Lepidosaurs<br/>13.2 Radiation of Sphenodontids and the Biology of Tuatara<br/>13.3 Radiation of Squamates<br/>13.4 Ecology and Behavior of Squamates<br/> Box 13?1 Caudal Autonomy?Your Tail or Your Life<br/>13.5 Behavioral Control of Body Temperatures by Ectotherms<br/>13.6 Temperature and Ecology of Squamates<br/>Summary, Additional Readings<br/> 14 Ectothermy: A Low-Cost Approach to Life <br/>14.1 Vertebrates and Their Environments<br/>14.2 Dealing with Dryness?Ectotherms in Deserts<br/> Box 14?1 Doubly Labeled Water <br/>14.3 Coping with Cold?Ectotherms in Subzero Conditions<br/>14.4 The Role of Ectothermal Tetrapods in Terrestrial Ecosystems<br/>Summary, Additional Readings<br/> 15 Geography and Ecology of the Mesozoic Era<br/>15.1 Mesozoic Continental Geography<br/>15.2 Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems<br/>Additional Readings<br/> 16 Mesozoic Diapsids: Dinosaurs, Crocodilians, Birds, and Others<br/>16.1 Mesozoic Fauna<br/>16.2 Phylogenetic Relationships Among Diapsids<br/>16.3 Archosauria<br/> Box 16?1 Marine Diapsids of the Mesozoic Era<br/>16.4 Dinosaurs<br/>16.5 The Ornithischian Dinosaurs<br/> Box 16?2 Dinosaur Eggs and Nests<br/>16.6 The Saurischian Dinosaurs<br/>16.7 The Origin of Birds: Feathers and Flight<br/> Box 16?3 Pterosaurs: The First Flying Reptiles<br/> Box 16?4 The Evolution of Feathers: Evo-Devo and Fossils<br/>16.8 Archaeopteryx and Other Birds<br/>Summary, Additional Readings<br/> 17 Avian Specializations<br/>17.1 Early Birds and Extant Birds<br/>17.2 The Structure of Birds<br/>17.3 The Avian Wing <br/>17.4 The Hind Limbs<br/>17.5 Feeding and Digestion<br/>17.6 Sensory Systems<br/> Box 17?1 Chaucer the Ornithologist<br/>17.7 Mating Systems, Reproduction, and Parental Care<br/>17.8 Migration and Navigation<br/>Summary, Additional Readings<br/>Part IV Synapsida: The Mammals<br/> 18 The Synapsida and the Evolution of Mammals<br/>18.1 The Origin of Synapsids<br/>18.2 Diversity of Nonmammalian Synapsids<br/>18.3 Evolutionary Trends in Synapsids<br/> Box 18?1 Evolution of the Mammalian Middle Ear <br/>18.4 The First Mammals<br/>Summary, Additional Readings<br/> 19 Geography and Ecology of the Cenozoic Era<br/>19.1 Cenozoic Continental Geography<br/>19.2 Cenozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems<br/>19.3 Cenozoic Climates<br/>19.4 Cenozoic Extinctions<br/>Additional Readings<br/> 20 Mammalian Diversity and Characteristics<br/>20.1 Major Lineages of Mammals<br/>20.2 Features Shared by All Mammals<br/> Box 20?1 The Evolution of Tribosphenic Molars<br/>20.3 Features That Differ Between Mammal Groups<br/>20.4 Cenozoic Mammal Evolution<br/>Summary, Additional Readings<br/> 21 Mammalian Specializations<br/>21.1 Mammalian Reproduction<br/>21.2 Some Extreme Placental Mammal Reproductive Specializations<br/>21.3 Are Placental Mammals Reproductively Superior to Marsupials?<br/>21.4 Specializations for Feeding<br/>21.5 Specializations for Locomotion<br/>21.6 Evolution of Aquatic Mammals<br/> Box 21?1 Comparison of Different Types of Fully Aquatic Mammals<br/> Summary, Additional Readings<br/> 22 Endothermy: A High-Energy Approach to Life<br/>22.1 Endothermal Thermoregulation<br/> Box 22?1 Energy Budgets of Vampire Bats<br/>22.2 Endotherms in the Arctic<br/>22.3 Migration to Avoid Difficult Conditions<br/>22.4 Torpor as a Response to Low Temperatures and Limited Food<br/>22.5 Endotherms in Hot Deserts<br/> Box 22?2 How Hot Is It?<br/> Summary, Additional Readings<br/> 23 Body Size, Ecology, and Sociality of Mammals<br/>23.1 Social Behavior<br/>23.2 Population Structure and the Distribution of Resources<br/>23.3 Advantages of Sociality<br/>23.4 Body Size, Diet, and the Structure of Social Systems<br/> Box 23?1 Altruism or Taunting?<br/>23.5 Horns and Antlers<br/>23.6 Primate Societies<br/> Box 23?2 Sociality and Survival<br/> Summary, Additional Readings<br/> 24 Primate Evolution and the Emergence of Humans<br/>24.1 Primate Origins and Diversification<br/>24.2 Origin and Evolution of the Hominoidea<br/>24.3 Origin and Evolution of Humans<br/> Box 24?1 Controversial New Finds of Genus Homo<br/>24.4 Ecological and Biogeographical Aspects of Early Hominid Evolution<br/>24.5 Evolution of Human Characteristics<br/> Box 24?2 The Genus Homo and the Evolution of Running<br/> Summary, Additional Readings<br/> 25 The Impact of Humans on Other Species of Vertebrates<br/>25.1 Humans and the Pleistocene Extinctions<br/>25.2 Humans and Recent Extinctions<br/> Box 25?1 Fish Farming<br/>25.3 Organismal Biology and Conservation<br/> Box 25?2 Subtle Elements of Critical Habitats<br/> Box 25?3 Adolescent Elephants<br/>25.4 Captive Breeding<br/>25.5 Global Issues in Conservation Biology<br/> Box 25?4 Endocrine Disruptors<br/>25.6 ?The Paradoxes of Conservation<br/>Summary, Additional Readings<br/> Glossary <br/> Credits<br/> Subject Index<br/> Name Index |