Heating and cooling of buildings : principles and practice of energy efficient design / T. Agami Reddy, Jan F. Kreider, Peter S. Curtiss, and Ari Rabl.

By: Reddy, T. Agami [author.]
Contributor(s): Kreider, Jan F, 1942- [author.] | Curtiss, Peter [author.] | Rabl, Ari [author.]
Language: English Series: Mechanical and aerospace engineering (CRC Press)Publisher: Boca Raton : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, [2017]Copyright date: c2017Edition: Third editionDescription: xxxvii, 859 pages ; 29 cmContent type: text Media type: unmediated Carrier type: volumeISBN: 9781439899892 (alk. paper)Subject(s): Heating -- Equipment and supplies -- Design and construction | Ventilation -- Equipment and supplies -- Design and construction | Air conditioning -- Equipment and supplies -- Design and constructionDDC classification: 697 LOC classification: TH7345 | .K74 2017
Background to the Building Sector and Energy Use Patterns A Bit of history Importance of Buildings in the US Economy and Other Countries Energy Use Patterns by Building Type and End Use Roles of Building Energy Professionals and HVAC Design Engineers Basic Concepts in Economics of Energy Efficiency Units and Conversions Order of Magnitude Calculations Basic Thermal Science Fluid and Thermodynamic Properties Determining Property Values Types of flow regimes Conservation of mass and momentum First law of thermodynamics Second law of thermodynamics Modes of heat transfer Conduction heat transfer Convection heat transfer Radiation heat transfer Evaporative and moisture transfer Closure Human Thermal Comfort and Indoor Air Quality Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) Thermal comfort The perception of comfort Air quality and indoor contaminants Control of indoor air quality Closure Solar Radiation Introduction Solar movement and basic angles Solar geometry with respect to local observer Extra-terrestrial insolation Effect of atmosphere ASHRAE clear sky irradiance model Transposition models for tilted and vertical surfaces Measured solar radiation data worldwide Statistical correlation models Heat Gains through Windows Importance and design considerations Optical properties Thermal properties Solar heat gains External and internal shading High-Performance glazing Infiltration and Natural Ventilation Importance and basic definitions Infiltration rates across building stock Basic flow equations Introduction and types of air flow models Crack flow equation Induced pressure differences Engineering component models for air infiltration Simplified physical models for single-zone air infiltration Multizone models Natural ventilation air flow through large openings Measuring air infiltration and inter-zone flows Infiltration heat recovery Steady State Heat Flows Load calculations Solar air temperature and instantaneous conduction heat gain Below grade heat transfer Internal heat gains Treatment of one zone spaces Multi-zoning in buildings Transient Heat Flow through Building Elements Basic concepts Numerical methods- finite difference Time series methods for conduction heat gains Thermal network models Frequency domain methods Heating and Cooling Design Load Calculations Introduction Winter and summer design conditions Design heating load calculation procedure Subtleties with cooling load calculations Transfer function method for cooling load calculations Heat balance method Radiant time series method Simplified Annual Energy Estimation Methods and Inverse Modeling General approaches Degree day method Models for estimating degree-days under different base temperature Bin method Advantages and limitations Inverse modeling Description of Typical Building HVAC Systems and Components Primary and secondary systems Types of secondary systems Broad classification of HVAC systems Unitary split systems Centralized systems District systems Thermal Principles Relevant to Equipment and Systems First Law: Heat and work interactions Second Law applied to ideal Carnot cycles Pure substances Homogeneous binary mixtures Convective heat transfer correlations Heat exchangers Psychrometric Properties and Processes Definition and importance of psychrometrics Composition and pressure of atmospheric air Psychrometric properties of moist air Analytical approach to determining moist-air properties The psychrometric chart Basic psychrometric processes Closure Chillers and Heat Pump Cycles and Systems Standard Vapor Compression Cycle Modified and Actual VC Cycles Absorption Cooling Chiller Systems Air Source Heat Pumps Rating Standards Part Load Performance Ground Source Heat Pumps Decentralized Water Loop Heat Pumps Theoretical Performance Indices for Heating and Cooling Refrigerants Combustion Heating Equipment and Systems Principles of combustion Furnaces Boilers Seasonal energy calculations Improving and monitoring thermal performance Combined heat and power systems Pumps, Fans and System Interactions Modified equation of motion Pressure losses in liquid and air systems Prime movers System and prime mover interactions Types of fans and their control Duct design methods Fluid flow measurement Closure Cooling System Equipment Introduction Compressors Expansion devices Evaporators and condensers Heating air coils Wet cooling air coils Cooling towers Hydronic Distribution Equipment and Systems Hydronic system classification Types of hydronic distribution circuits Traditional terminal units Low temperature radiant panels Auxiliary heating equipment Piping system design Modulating valves and capacity control Large cooling systems Cool thermal energy storage All-Air Systems Basic principles Single zone single duct CAV systems Single zone single duct VAV systems All-air systems for multiple zones Design sizing and energy analysis Energy efficiency design and operation practices Energy penalties due to mixing of hot and cold streams Closure Room Air Distribution and Hybrid Secondary Systems Introduction Basic air-water systems Air Distribution in Rooms Fully mixed room distribution systems Other types of room air distribution methods Chilled beams Hybrid secondary systems Evaporative cooling cycle and systems Desiccant cooling systems HVAC Control Systems Introductory concepts Modes of feedback control Basic control hardware Basic control system design considerations Examples of HVAC control systems Building Automation Topics in advanced control system design Summary Lighting and Daylighting Principles of lighting Electric lighting Daylighting Analysis of daylighting Design of buildings for daylighting Costing and Economic Analysis Comparing present and future costs Life cycle cost Economic evaluation criteria Complications of the decision process Cost estimation Optimization Chapter 24. Design for Energy Efficiency The Road to Efficiency Design Elements and Recommendations Residential Buildings Commercial Buildings: HVAC Systems Alternative Energy Technologies Uncertainty in Simulations Energy Benchmarking and Rating Drivers for Efficiency
Summary: Features Follows a strict pedagogical structure and content sequence tested over fifteen years of teaching. Starts by coverings the most up-to-date calculation procedures and standards from ASHRAE and other organizations relevant to building loads, then provides a detailed treatment of primary, traditional secondary and hybrid/emerging secondary equipment and systems. Addresses contemporary issues such as emerging green building design technologies, alternative energy sources, and uncertainties in simulation. Discusses drivers for efficiency such as codes and standards, building rating systems, design guides, and the green building movement Offers a complete Solutions Manual, chapter outcomes, free HCB software download along with associated resources, and detailed and tested slides of individual chapters for classroom projection for qualified instructors adopting the text, with access through author's website Summary Heating and Cooling of Buildings: Principles and Practice of Energy Efficient Design, Third Edition is structured to provide a rigorous and comprehensive technical foundation and coverage to all the various elements inherent in the design of energy efficient and green buildings. Along with numerous new and revised examples, design case studies, and homework problems, the third edition includes the HCB software along with its extensive website material, which contains a wealth of data to support design analysis and planning. Based around current codes and standards, the Third Edition explores the latest technologies that are central to design and operation of today?s buildings. It serves as an up-to-date technical resource for future designers, practitioners, and researchers wishing to acquire a firm scientific foundation for improving the design and performance of buildings and the comfort of their occupants. For engineering and architecture students in undergraduate/graduate classes, this comprehensive textbook:
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Revised edition of: Heating and cooling of buildings : design for efficiency / Jan F. Kreider, Peter S. Curtiss, Ari Rabl. c2010.

Author(s) Bio

T. Agami Reddy is SRP Professor of Energy and Environment at Arizona State University with joint faculty appointments with the Design School and the School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment. During his 30 year career, he has also held faculty and research positions at Drexel University, Texas A&M University and Princeton University. He teaches and does research in the areas of sustainable energy systems (green buildings, HVAC&R, solar and resiliency/sustainability) and building energy data analytics. He is the author of two textbooks and has close to 200 refereed journal and conference papers, and several book chapters and technical research reports. He is a licensed mechanical engineer and Fellow of both ASME and ASHRAE. He received the ASHRAE Distinguished Service Award in 2008, and was the recipient of the 2014 Yellott Award from the ASME Solar Energy Division.

Jan F. Kreider has served as a professor of engineering at the University of Colorado at Boulder, and is a founding director of its Joint Center for Energy Management. He received his BSME degree (magna cum laude) from Case Western Reserve University, and his postgraduate degrees from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Dr. Kreider is the author of numerous college textbooks and more than 200 technical articles and reports, and has managed numerous building systems research projects. He is a fellow of the ASME, an active member of ASHRAE, and a winner of ASHRAE?s E.K. Campbell Award for excellence in building systems education. He is also the president of a consulting company specializing in energy system design and analysis.

Peter Curtiss received his BSCE degree from Princeton University, and his advanced degrees from the University of Colorado at Boulder. He has served as an adjunct professor, and has worked as an engineering consultant. Dr. Curtiss has he author of over 40 technical journal articles, on subjects ranging from neural network modeling and control of building systems to solar radiation measurement. He has worked at research institutes in Israel, Portugal, and France as well as at a number of private engineering firms.

Ari Rable has served as a research scientist at the Centre d?Energetique of the l?Ecole de Mines in Paris, as well as research professor at the University of Colorado. He received his PhD in Physics from the University of California at Berkeley, and has worked at the Argonne National Laboratory, the Solar Energy Research Institute, and the Center for Energy and Environmental Studies at Princeton University. Dr. Rable is the author of more than 50 journal articles, numerous technical reports, and holds 10 patents. He is a member of the American Physical Society and ASHRAE.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Background to the Building Sector and Energy Use Patterns A Bit of history Importance of Buildings in the US Economy and Other Countries Energy Use Patterns by Building Type and End Use Roles of Building Energy Professionals and HVAC Design Engineers Basic Concepts in Economics of Energy Efficiency Units and Conversions Order of Magnitude Calculations Basic Thermal Science Fluid and Thermodynamic Properties Determining Property Values Types of flow regimes Conservation of mass and momentum First law of thermodynamics Second law of thermodynamics Modes of heat transfer Conduction heat transfer Convection heat transfer Radiation heat transfer Evaporative and moisture transfer Closure Human Thermal Comfort and Indoor Air Quality Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) Thermal comfort The perception of comfort Air quality and indoor contaminants Control of indoor air quality Closure Solar Radiation Introduction Solar movement and basic angles Solar geometry with respect to local observer Extra-terrestrial insolation Effect of atmosphere ASHRAE clear sky irradiance model Transposition models for tilted and vertical surfaces Measured solar radiation data worldwide Statistical correlation models Heat Gains through Windows Importance and design considerations Optical properties Thermal properties Solar heat gains External and internal shading High-Performance glazing Infiltration and Natural Ventilation Importance and basic definitions Infiltration rates across building stock Basic flow equations Introduction and types of air flow models Crack flow equation Induced pressure differences Engineering component models for air infiltration Simplified physical models for single-zone air infiltration Multizone models Natural ventilation air flow through large openings Measuring air infiltration and inter-zone flows Infiltration heat recovery Steady State Heat Flows Load calculations Solar air temperature and instantaneous conduction heat gain Below grade heat transfer Internal heat gains Treatment of one zone spaces Multi-zoning in buildings Transient Heat Flow through Building Elements Basic concepts Numerical methods- finite difference Time series methods for conduction heat gains Thermal network models Frequency domain methods Heating and Cooling Design Load Calculations Introduction Winter and summer design conditions Design heating load calculation procedure Subtleties with cooling load calculations Transfer function method for cooling load calculations Heat balance method Radiant time series method Simplified Annual Energy Estimation Methods and Inverse Modeling General approaches Degree day method Models for estimating degree-days under different base temperature Bin method Advantages and limitations Inverse modeling Description of Typical Building HVAC Systems and Components Primary and secondary systems Types of secondary systems Broad classification of HVAC systems Unitary split systems Centralized systems District systems Thermal Principles Relevant to Equipment and Systems First Law: Heat and work interactions Second Law applied to ideal Carnot cycles Pure substances Homogeneous binary mixtures Convective heat transfer correlations Heat exchangers Psychrometric Properties and Processes Definition and importance of psychrometrics Composition and pressure of atmospheric air Psychrometric properties of moist air Analytical approach to determining moist-air properties The psychrometric chart Basic psychrometric processes Closure Chillers and Heat Pump Cycles and Systems Standard Vapor Compression Cycle Modified and Actual VC Cycles Absorption Cooling Chiller Systems Air Source Heat Pumps Rating Standards Part Load Performance Ground Source Heat Pumps Decentralized Water Loop Heat Pumps Theoretical Performance Indices for Heating and Cooling Refrigerants Combustion Heating Equipment and Systems Principles of combustion Furnaces Boilers Seasonal energy calculations Improving and monitoring thermal performance Combined heat and power systems Pumps, Fans and System Interactions Modified equation of motion Pressure losses in liquid and air systems Prime movers System and prime mover interactions Types of fans and their control Duct design methods Fluid flow measurement Closure Cooling System Equipment Introduction Compressors Expansion devices Evaporators and condensers Heating air coils Wet cooling air coils Cooling towers Hydronic Distribution Equipment and Systems Hydronic system classification Types of hydronic distribution circuits Traditional terminal units Low temperature radiant panels Auxiliary heating equipment Piping system design Modulating valves and capacity control Large cooling systems Cool thermal energy storage All-Air Systems Basic principles Single zone single duct CAV systems Single zone single duct VAV systems All-air systems for multiple zones Design sizing and energy analysis Energy efficiency design and operation practices Energy penalties due to mixing of hot and cold streams Closure Room Air Distribution and Hybrid Secondary Systems Introduction Basic air-water systems Air Distribution in Rooms Fully mixed room distribution systems Other types of room air distribution methods Chilled beams Hybrid secondary systems Evaporative cooling cycle and systems Desiccant cooling systems HVAC Control Systems Introductory concepts Modes of feedback control Basic control hardware Basic control system design considerations Examples of HVAC control systems Building Automation Topics in advanced control system design Summary Lighting and Daylighting Principles of lighting Electric lighting Daylighting Analysis of daylighting Design of buildings for daylighting Costing and Economic Analysis Comparing present and future costs Life cycle cost Economic evaluation criteria Complications of the decision process Cost estimation Optimization Chapter 24. Design for Energy Efficiency The Road to Efficiency Design Elements and Recommendations Residential Buildings Commercial Buildings: HVAC Systems Alternative Energy Technologies Uncertainty in Simulations Energy Benchmarking and Rating Drivers for Efficiency


Follows a strict pedagogical structure and content sequence tested over fifteen years of teaching.

Starts by coverings the most up-to-date calculation procedures and standards from ASHRAE and other organizations relevant to building loads, then provides a detailed treatment of primary, traditional secondary and hybrid/emerging secondary equipment and systems.

Addresses contemporary issues such as emerging green building design technologies, alternative energy sources, and uncertainties in simulation.

Discusses drivers for efficiency such as codes and standards, building rating systems, design guides, and the green building movement

Offers a complete Solutions Manual, chapter outcomes, free HCB software download along with associated resources, and detailed and tested slides of individual chapters for classroom projection for qualified instructors adopting the text, with access through author's website


Heating and Cooling of Buildings: Principles and Practice of Energy Efficient Design, Third Edition is structured to provide a rigorous and comprehensive technical foundation and coverage to all the various elements inherent in the design of energy efficient and green buildings. Along with numerous new and revised examples, design case studies, and homework problems, the third edition includes the HCB software along with its extensive website material, which contains a wealth of data to support design analysis and planning. Based around current codes and standards, the Third Edition explores the latest technologies that are central to design and operation of today?s buildings. It serves as an up-to-date technical resource for future designers, practitioners, and researchers wishing to acquire a firm scientific foundation for improving the design and performance of buildings and the comfort of their occupants. For engineering and architecture students in undergraduate/graduate classes, this comprehensive textbook:

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