Earthquake seismology : tools, techniques and instrumentation / edited by Daniel Galea

Contributor(s): Galea, Daniel [editor]
Publisher: New York, NY : Syrawood Publishing House, c2016Description: vi, 244 pages : illustrations, maps, charts ; 29 cmContent type: text Media type: unmediated Carrier type: volumeISBN: 9781682862162Subject(s): Seismology -- InstrumentsDDC classification: 551.22028
High-precision relocation of seismic sequences above a dipping Moho: the case of the January-February 2014 seismic sequence on Cephalonia island (Greece) -- Finite-difference modelling to evaluate seismic P-wave and shear-wave field data -- Receiver function images of the Hellenic subduction zone and comparison to microseismicity -- Variations of the crustal thickness in Nepal Himalayas based on tomographic inversion of regional earthquake data -- Volcanological aspects of the northwest region of Paraná continental flood basalts (Brazil) -- Short-lived tectonic switch mechanism for long-term pulses of volcanic activity after mega-thrust earthquakes -- Petrophysical constraints on the seismic properties of the Kaapvaal craton mantle root -- Review of some significant claimed irregularities in Scandinavian postglacial uplift on timescales of tens to thousands of years -- earthquakes in Denmark? -- New insights on the occurrence of peperites and sedimentary deposits within the silici volcanic sequences of the Paraná Magmatic Provice, Brazil -- Seismic visibility of a deep subduction channel -- insights from numerical simulation of high-frequency seismic waves emitted from intermediate depth earthquakes -- Seismogenic frictional melting in the magmatic column -- Focal mechanisms in the southern Aegean from temporary seismic networks -- implications for the regional stress field and ongoing deformation processes -- Seismic structure of the lithosphere and upper mantle beneath the ocean islands near mid-oceanic ridges -- On the complexity of surface ruptures during normal faulting earthquakes: excerpts from the 6 April 2009 L'Aquila (central Italy) earthquake (M 6.3) -- BrO / SO2 molar ratios from scanning DOAS measurements in the NOVAC network -- AxiSEM: broadband 3-D seismic wavefields in axisymmetric media.
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About the Editor: Daniel Galea is a scholar in Earthquake Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, USA. He is a visiting professor, researcher, scientist and writer based in America. His academic and research interests include seismology, ground motion and earthquake generation & propagation. He has published various books focusing on earthquake researches and disaster management. Galea is an active member of various disaster preparedness committees for corporate organizations.

Includes bibliographical references.

High-precision relocation of seismic sequences above a dipping Moho: the case of the January-February 2014 seismic sequence on Cephalonia island (Greece) --
Finite-difference modelling to evaluate seismic P-wave and shear-wave field data --
Receiver function images of the Hellenic subduction zone and comparison to microseismicity --
Variations of the crustal thickness in Nepal Himalayas based on tomographic inversion of regional earthquake data --
Volcanological aspects of the northwest region of Paraná continental flood basalts (Brazil) --
Short-lived tectonic switch mechanism for long-term pulses of volcanic activity after mega-thrust earthquakes --
Petrophysical constraints on the seismic properties of the Kaapvaal craton mantle root --
Review of some significant claimed irregularities in Scandinavian postglacial uplift on timescales of tens to thousands of years --
earthquakes in Denmark? --
New insights on the occurrence of peperites and sedimentary deposits within the silici volcanic sequences of the Paraná Magmatic Provice, Brazil --
Seismic visibility of a deep subduction channel --
insights from numerical simulation of high-frequency seismic waves emitted from intermediate depth earthquakes --
Seismogenic frictional melting in the magmatic column --
Focal mechanisms in the southern Aegean from temporary seismic networks --
implications for the regional stress field and ongoing deformation processes --
Seismic structure of the lithosphere and upper mantle beneath the ocean islands near mid-oceanic ridges --
On the complexity of surface ruptures during normal faulting earthquakes: excerpts from the 6 April 2009 L'Aquila (central Italy) earthquake (M 6.3) --
BrO / SO2 molar ratios from scanning DOAS measurements in the NOVAC network --
AxiSEM: broadband 3-D seismic wavefields in axisymmetric media.

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