Sources : notable selections in sociology / edited by Kurt Finsterbusch, Janet S. Schwartz

Contributor(s): Schwartz, Janet S, editor | Finsterbusch, Kurt [editor]
Language: English Publisher: Guildford, Connecticut. : Dushkin Publishing Group, [1996]Copyright date: ©1996Edition: Second editionDescription: xi, 416 pages ; 24 cmContent type: text Media type: unmediated Carrier type: volumeISBN: 1561344486; 9781561344482Subject(s): SociologyDDC classification: 301 Summary: [The book] brings together over 40 selections of enduring intellectual value: classic articles, book excerpts, and research studies, that have shaped the study of sociology and our contemporary understanding of it. [The book] provides the opportunity for readers to encounter many of the greatest thinkers in sociology at first hand. The book includes edited selections from the works of sociological observers, past and present, from Karl Marx and George Herbert Mead to Deborah Tannen, Peter F. Drucker, and Sandra Postel. The selections are organized topically around major areas of study within sociology. Each topical section offers a diverse range of readings, all of which are high quality ... Students of sociology will appreciate the broad range of coverage, the logic of the organization and the accessibility of the material within this volume.-Back cover.
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Notable selections in sociology

Introduction to sociology: Sociological perspective --
Individual and society: Culture; Socialization and personality development; Social roles; Deviance and social control; Social organization --
Stratification: Social inequity; Views of the top and bottom; Racial and sexual inequality --
Social institutions: Polity; Corporate world; Family; Other institutions: religion, education, and health care --
Society and social change: Population and environment; Community; Social movements and collective behavior; Modernization and social change.

[The book] brings together over 40 selections of enduring intellectual value: classic articles, book excerpts, and research studies, that have shaped the study of sociology and our contemporary understanding of it. [The book] provides the opportunity for readers to encounter many of the greatest thinkers in sociology at first hand. The book includes edited selections from the works of sociological observers, past and present, from Karl Marx and George Herbert Mead to Deborah Tannen, Peter F. Drucker, and Sandra Postel. The selections are organized topically around major areas of study within sociology. Each topical section offers a diverse range of readings, all of which are high quality ... Students of sociology will appreciate the broad range of coverage, the logic of the organization and the accessibility of the material within this volume.-Back cover.

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