Yazon, Alberto D.

Learning guide in methods of research/ Alberto D. Yazon, Eden C. Callo, and Lerma P. Buenvinida - iv, 142 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.

Dr. Alberto Dolor Yazon is a research enthusiast having presented and published several researches in both local and international fora. His skills in technical writing sprouted early in his high school to university years and continuously bloomed through trainings and experiences afterwards.

Dr. Eden C. Callo finished BSEd Mathematics, Cum Laude from San Pablo Colleges in 1983. She earned Master of Arts in Industrial Education-Curriculum and Instruction and Doctor of Education- Industrial Education Managament at the Technological University of the Philippines, Manila in 1998 and 2005, respectively.

Dr. Lerma P. Buenvinida finished Bachelor of Science in Fisheries (Inland Fisheries) at UP, Diliman, in 1982; Master of Arts in Teaching - Genereal Science at TUP MAnila in 1993; and Doctor in Education - Educational management at LSPU-San Pablo in 2010

Includes bibliographical references.

Preface. Introduction. 1. Basic Concepts in research. 2. Ethics in research. 3. The research process and research variables. 4. The research problem. 5. Locating and reviewing the literature. 6. Research methodology. 7. Writing a research proposal. 8. Data analysis, presentation, and interpretation. References.

This course puts emphasis on the major steps in the design and conduct of research from problem definition to analysis, interpretation and writing of research paper. Graduate students will acquire advanced knowledge necessary to understand the major steps in the design and conduct of the research process. The subject also aims to provide students with actual learning experiences of the complete research process.



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