TY - BOOK AU - Rao,Srikumar S. TI - Happiness at work: be resilient, motivated, and successful--no matter what SN - 9780071664325 AV - HF5549.5.J63 R34 2010 U1 - 650.1 22 PY - 2010///] CY - New York PB - McGraw-Hill, KW - Job satisfaction KW - Success in business KW - Work KW - Psychological aspects N1 - Includes index; What you need is a paradigm shift -- Don't stick a label on it! -- Why positive thinking is bad for you -- Be a Daruma doll -- Think your problem is managing time? It's not!!! -- What do you really do (part 1) -- What do you really do (part 2) -- What do you notice? -- Why affirmations can actually hurt you and what to do about it -- Not a trivial question -- Are you really happy? I suspect not -- Happiness is your birthright--grab it now! -- Invest in the process, not the outcome -- On wild horses and freedom -- Tamin the horses--and freedom -- The bard had it right! -- The scientist who cheated. You cheat too! -- A hugely important question: who am I? -- Another hugely important question -- There are no mechanisms! -- How big is your pile? -- Where are they now? -- It's your model--not reality!! -- Quiet the tumultuous horde! -- The question itself is irrelevant! -- It's not fair! -- The root of all your problems -- Is anything for real? -- Standing on slippery rocks -- What counts is what's inside you -- What to do when fear strikes -- Beware the stories you tell and the company you keep! -- A new model of the world -- Where does your journey take you? N2 - Learn to create resilience and happiness no matter what?s going on in your life In these tough times, there are few people who are completely happy with the current conditions. From business executives to the everyday Joe or Jane, everyone seems to be going through a rough economic and personal crunch. But acclaimed business school Professor Srikumar Rao says that we can learn to create joy no matter what else may be going on around us. Rao shows you that it isn't the negative thing that happens to you that causes your unhappiness, it's how you see it. Happiness at Work is a thought-provoking new title that moves the mind away from negativity and forces you to resist labeling situations as "bad", but rather seeing them as neutral. The Happiness Choice provides: Surprising ways of looking at change and problem-solving Exercises that shift one?s perspective Learn the vital wisdom necessary to achieving a joyful, successful life as you define it through greater resilience and a strong inner core. Get it now with The Happiness Choice UR - http://www.loc.gov/catdir/enhancements/fy1004/2009052647-b.html UR - http://www.loc.gov/catdir/enhancements/fy1004/2009052647-d.html UR - http://www.loc.gov/catdir/enhancements/fy1004/2009052647-t.html ER -