Language development : a reader for teachers /
[edited by] Brenda Miller Power, Ruth Shagoury Hubbard.
- Second edition
- xii, 256 pages: 24 cm.
Includes index
Introduction. Learning How to Research Language in Your Classroom. PART I. HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES AND LANDMARK STUDIES. Children's Language Acquisition, Rice. Excerpt from Thought and Language, Vygotsky. Excerpt fromLanguage and Thought of the Child, Piaget. Language and the Mind from Psychology Today, Chomsky. Encounter at Royaumont: The Debate between Jean Piaget and Noam Chomsky, Gardner. Relevant Models of Language, Halliday. Excerpt from Out of Silence, Martin. Myths about Acquiring a Second Language, Samway and Mckeon. Spoken Soul: What's Going On?, Rickford and Rickford. A Lot of Talk about Nothing, Heath. Crawling on the Bones of What We Know: An Interview with Shirley Brice Heath, Power. PART II. TALK IN SCHOOLS. Do Teachers Communicate with Their Students as if They Were Dogs?, Madden. You Talk Too Much, Teacher Research Extension: Andie Cunningham. Excerpt from Listening In (Telling Stories), Newkirk and McLure. A Love of Words, Fletcher. Ways to Look at the Functions of Children's Language, Pinnell. An Unexpected Lesson in Language, Teacher Research Extension: Michelle Schardt. What Should Teachers Do?: Ebonics and Culturally Responsive Instruction, Delpit. Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk: Researching Oral Language in the Classroom, Gallas, et al. The Research Mind Is Really the Teaching Mind at Its Best: An Interview with Karen Gallas, MacKay. Focusing on Student Talk, Teacher Research Extension: Sherry Young. Examining Teacher Talk: Revealing Hidden Boundaries for Curricular Change, Rowe. Inquiry Purpose in the Classroom, Lindfors. PART III. SOCIOCULTURAL AND PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES. Whose Standard? Teaching Standard English, Christensen. American Sign Language: It's Not Mouth Stuff, It's Brain Stuff, Wolkomir. An Interview with Hang Nguyen, Steil. Excerpt from Narrative, Face, and Interethnic Communication, Scollon and Scollon. English Con Salsa, Valdes. Silencing in Public Schools, Fine. Excerpt from You Just Don't Understand, Tannen. A Love of Language, A Love of Research, and a Love of Teaching: A Conversation with Deborah Tannen, Hubbard. I'm Not Sittin' by No Girl!, Teacher Research Extension: Jill Ostrow. Yada-Yada-Yada: The Babbling Period, Golinkoff and Hirsh-Pasek. Everyone Has an Accent, Wolfram. A Linguistic Big Bang, Osborne. Life as We Know It, Berube.