Taking sides : clashing views in world politics / edited, selected, and with introductions by John T. Rourke - Thirteenth edition - xxx; 373 pages ; 23 cm.

Includes index.

Is economic globalization a positive trend? --
Does globalization threaten cultural diversity? --
Is U.S. global dominance destructive? --
Has Russia become undemocratic and antagonistic? --
Will China soon become a threatening superpower? --
Would it be an error to establish a Palestinian state? --
Should all foreign troops soon leave Iraq? --
Are strict sanctions on Cuba warranted? --
Is World Trade Organization membership beneficial? --
Should the United States take a hard-line with China about its international economic policies? --
Is immigration an economic benefit to the host country? --
Is preemptive war an unacceptable doctrine? --
Does the United States have a sound strategy for the war of terrorism? --
Is patient diplomacy the best approach to Iran's nuclear program? --
Is North Korea an aggressive rogue state? --
Does the United Nations deserve support? --
Is U.S. refusal to join the International Criminal Court wise? --
Should accused terrorists have legal rights similar to prisoners of war? --
Can destructive impacts from global warming be confidently predicted?

"... A debate-style reader" providing both sides of controversies in world politics.


World politics--21st century.
World politics--1989.
International relations.
