Basic engineering mathematics / - vii, 240 pages ; 23 cm + DVD (4 3/4 in.)

1. Matrices and determinant of a matrix 1.1 Sum of the matrix 1.2 Matrix algebra determination 1.3 Adjoint of a matrix 1.4 Determinant of a matrix 1.5 The determinant of a square matrix 1.6 Minors 1.7 Cofactors 1.8 Expanding to find the determinant 1.9 Inverse of a square matrix 2. Applications of derivatives 2.1 Rate of change of quantities 2.2 Increasing and decreasing functions 2.3 Increasing and decreasing functions graph 2.4 Tangents and normal lines 2.5 Angle between two curves 2.6 Approximation of application of derivatives 2.7 Maxima and minima 3. Calculus 3.1 Rules of calculus functions of one variable 3.2 Exponential functions 3.3 The Mean-value theorem 3.4 The First derivative: maxima and minima 3.5 Definite integrals 3.6 Functions of two variables 4. Probability and statistics 4.1 Definition of probability 4.2 Conditional probability 4.3 Bayes Theorem 4.4 Random variables 4.5 Discrete and continuous probability distributions 4.6 Binomial, Poisson , and normal distributions 4.7 Correlation and linear regression 5. Complex variable 5.1 Analytic functions 5.2 Cauchy-Riemann equations 5.3 Line integral 5.4 Cauchy's integral theorem and integral formula 5.5 Taylor's and Laurent' series 5.6 Residue theorem and its applications 6. Vector 6.1 Scalar and vector 6.2 Coordinate systems 6.3 Direction ratios and direction cosines 6.4 Magnitude and direction of a


Vector analysis.
Engineering mathematics --Problems, exercises, etc.
