Schönenberger, Manuela

Embedded v-to-c in child grammar : the acquisition of verb placement in Swiss German / Manuela Schönenberger. - xx, 410 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm. - Studies in theoretical psycholinguistics, v.27. .

Includes references and index

Preface. Acknowledgements. Notation. Introduction. 1: General Properties of Swiss German. 1. Introduction. 2. The Verbal and Nominal System of Swiss German. 3. Verbal Placement in Swiss German. 4. The Distribution of Nominals. 5. Various Analyses of Verb Placement. 2: Natural Production Data on Verb Placement in Lucernese. 1. Introduction. 2. Survey of Acquisition Literature on Subordination in German and Swiss German. 3. Verb Placement in the Lucernese Acquisition Data. 4. Unclear Verb Placement in the Children's Spontaneous Production Data. 5. Placeholders and Clauses in Which the Complementizer has been Omitted. 6. Summary. 3: Elicited Data on Verb Placement in Lucernese. 1. Introduction. 2. Elicited Answers to Questions. 3. Elicitation Sessions. 4. Experimental Data. 5. Summary. 4: Natural Production Data on Matrix Clauses. 1. Introduction. 2. Moira's Matrix Clauses. 3. Omission of Clause-Initial Constituents in Child Grammar. 4. A Comparison of Matrix Clauses Produced by the Child and the Adult. 5. Summary. 5: Analysis. 1. Introduction. 2. Summary of the Acquisition Data Presented in Chapter 2. 3. Input, Verb-Projection Raising and Extraposition. 4. A Critical Re-Examination of the Acquisition Data. 5. An Analysis. 6. Conclusions. 6: Summary and Concluding Remarks. Appendix I: Verb-Placement Tables. Appendix II: Sample Sentences Used during Elicitation. Appendix III: Omission of a Clause-Initial Subject in Declarative Matrix Clauses in Child and Adult Grammar. Appendix IV: The Nature of Z. References. Index.

How children acquire competence in verb placement in languages in which verb placement in matrix clauses does not coincide with that in embedded clauses is not well understood.

0792370864 9780792370864

German language--Switzerland
German language
German language