CHFI : computer hacking forensic investigator certification : exam guide /
Charles L. Brooks.
- computer discs : illustrations ; 4 3/4 in.
- All-in-one certification series .
Computer forensics today -- The nature of digital evidence -- The investigation process - Computer forensic labs -- Getting the goods -- Spinning rust -- Windows forensics -- Network forensics -- Mobile forensics -- Attacking applications -- The whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Get complete coverage of all the material included on version 8 of the EC-Council's Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator exam from this comprehensive resource. This guide addresses the tools and techniques required to successfully conduct a computer forensic investigation. Exam topics covered include: computer forensics investigation process; setting up a computer forensics lab; first responder procedures; search and seizure laws; collecting and transporting digital evidence; understanding hard disks and file systems; recovering deleted files and partitions; Windows forensics; forensics investigations using the AccessData Forensic Toolkit (FTK) and Guidance Software's EnCase Forensic; network, wireless, and mobile forensics; investigating Web attacks; preparing investigative reports; and becoming an expert witness.
System requirements for CD-ROM: Windows XP or higher; 30 MB hard disk space; a current or prior major release of Chrome,Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari; resolution set to 1024 x 768 or higher; Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Reader, or Adobe Digital Editions.