Language development : the lifespan perspective /
Edited by Annette Gerstenberg, Free University Berlin ; Anja Voeste, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen.
- 1 online resource.
- Impact: Studies in language and society, Volume 37 1385-7908 ; .
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Table of Contents List of abbreviations
vii ? viii Investigating the lifespan perspective Annette Gerstenberg and Anja Voeste
1 ? 8 Disassociating the effects of age from phonetic change: A longitudinal study of formant frequencies Ulrich Reubold and Jonathan Harrington
9 ? 38 Phonological variation in real time: Patterns of adult linguistic stability and change David Bowie
39 ? 58 Language production in late life Susan Kemper
59 ? 76 Vocabulary and dementia in six novelists Ian Lancashire
77 ? 108 A sociolinguistic perspective on vocabulary richness in a seven-year comparison of older adults Annette Gerstenberg
109 ? 128 Age-related variation and language change in Early Modern English Terttu Nevalainen
129 ? 146 Lifespan and linguistic awareness: The case of 18th-century Italian autobiographers Lorenzo Tomasin
147 ? 166 Tired mind or tired hand?: Linguistic changes in the private letters of a Baltic German nobleman Anja Voeste
167 ? 188 Kriegsausbruch, Kriegs Ausbruch, KriegsAusbruch: On the possible connection between linguistic variation and age, based on personal journals from 1892 to 1944 Britt-Marie Schuster
189 ? 230 Index
231 ? 234
Language Development: The lifespan perspective generates insights into the central issues of age-dependent language change, focusing especially on the middle and later stages of life. The contributors exploit contemporary and historical longitudinal data, adopting psycholinguistic, corpus linguistic and sociolinguistic approaches. Linguistic changes are discussed against the background of cognitive, somatic and social factors. Bringing the resulting contributions together, the volume aims to resume the discussion of contradictions between the models of change and constancy over an individual?s lifespan that have not been sufficiently resolved to date. The volume is intended to serve as an interdisciplinary reference resource for those conducting research on language development and the aging process and as a supplementary course book on language variability and change.
9789027268662 (pdf)
Language acquisition--Study and teaching. Language and languages--Variation. Language and languages--Study and teaching. Second language acquisition.