Dorf, Richard C.

Introduction to electric circuits / Richard C. Dorf & James A. Svoboda. - Eighth edition - xxiii, 886 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.

Includes index.

Chapter 1 Electric Circuit Variables
1 (19)
1.1 Introduction
1 (1)
1.2 Electric Circuits and Current
1 (4)
1.3 Systems of Units
5 (2)
1.4 Voltage
7 (1)
1.5 Power and Energy
7 (4)
1.6 Circuit Analysis and Design
11 (2)
1.7 How Can We Check...?
13 (1)
1.8 Design Example---Jet Valve Controller
14 (1)
1.9 Summary
15 (5)
15 (4)
Design Problems
19 (1)
Chapter 2 Circuit Elements
20 (33)
2.1 Introduction
20 (1)
2.2 Engineering and Linear Models
20 (4)
2.3 Active and Passive Circuit Elements
24 (1)
2.4 Resistors
25 (3)
2.5 Independent Sources
28 (3)
2.6 Voltmeters and Ammeters
31 (2)
2.7 Dependent Sources
33 (4)
2.8 Transducers
37 (2)
2.9 Switches
39 (2)
2.10 How Can We Check....?
41 (1)
2.11 Design Example---Temperature Sensor
42 (2)
2.12 Summary
44 (9)
44 (8)
Design Problems
52 (1)
Chapter 3 Resistive Circuits
53 (55)
3.1 Introduction
53 (1)
3.2 Kirchhoff's Laws
53 (8)
3.3 Series Resistors and Voltage Division
61 (5)
3.4 Parallel Resistors and Current Division
66 (6)
3.5 Series Voltage Sources and Parallel Current Sources
72 (1)
3.6 Circuit Analysis
73 (5)
3.7 Analyzing Resistive Circuits Using MATLAB
78 (4)
3.8 How Can We Check ...?
82 (2)
3.9 Design Example---Adjustable Voltage Source
84 (3)
3.10 Summary
87 (21)
88 (18)
Design Problems
106 (2)
Chapter 4 Methods of Analysis of Resistive Circuits
108 (54)
4.1 Introduction
108 (1)
4.2 Node Voltage Analysis of Circuits with Current Sources
109 (6)
4.3 Node Voltage Analysis of Circuits with Current and Voltage Sources
115 (5)
4.4 Node Voltage Analysis with Dependent Sources
120 (2)
4.5 Mesh Current Analysis with Independent Voltage Sources
122 (5)
4.6 Mesh Current Analysis with Current and Voltage Sources
127 (4)
4.7 Mesh Current Analysis with Dependent Sources
131 (3)
4.8 The Node Voltage Method and Mesh Current Method Compared
134 (2)
4.9 Mesh Current Analysis Using MATLAB
136 (2)
4.10 Using PSpice to Determine Node Voltages and Mesh Currents
138 (2)
4.11 How Can We Check ... ?
140 (3)
4.12 Design Example---Potentiometer Angle Display
143 (3)
4.13 Summary
146 (16)
147 (13)
PSpice Problems
160 (1)
Design Problems
160 (2)
Chapter 5 Circuit Theorems
162 (46)
5.1 Introduction
162 (1)
5.2 Source Transformations
162 (5)
5.3 Superposition
167 (4)
5.4 Thevenin's Theorem
171 (4)
5.5 Norton's Equivalent Circuit
175 (4)
5.6 Maximum Power Transfer
179 (3)
5.7 Using MATLAB to Determine the Thevenin Equivalent Circuit
182 (3)
5.8 Using PSpice to Determine the Thevenin Equivalent Circuit
185 (3)
5.9 How Can We Check...?
188 (1)
5.10 Design Example---Strain Gauge Bridge
189 (3)
5.11 Summary
192 (16)
192 (13)
PSpice Problems
205 (1)
Design Problems
206 (2)
Chapter 6 The Operational Amplifier
208 (49)
6.1 Introduction
208 (1)
6.2 The Operational Amplifier
208 (2)
6.3 The Ideal Operational Amplifier
210 (2)
6.4 Nodal Analysis of Circuits Containing Ideal Operational Amplifiers
212 (5)
6.5 Design Using Operational Amplifiers
217 (5)
6.6 Operational Amplifier Circuits and Linear Algebraic Equations
222 (5)
6.7 Characteristics of Practical Operational Amplifiers
227 (7)
6.8 Analysis of Op Amp Circuits Using MATLAB
234 (2)
6.9 Using PSpice to Analyze Op Amp Circuits
236 (1)
6.10 How Can We Check ...?
237 (2)
6.11 Design Example---Transducer Interface Circuit
239 (2)
6.12 Summary
241 (16)
242 (13)
PSpice Problems
255 (1)
Design Problems
256 (1)
Chapter 7 Energy Storage Elements
257 (54)
7.1 Introduction
257 (1)
7.2 Capacitors
258 (6)
7.3 Energy Storage in a Capacitor
264 (3)
7.4 Series and Parallel Capacitors
267 (2)
7.5 Inductors
269 (5)
7.6 Energy Storage in an Inductor
274 (2)
7.7 Series and Parallel Inductors
276 (1)
7.8 Initial Conditions of Switched Circuits
277 (4)
7.9 Operational Amplifier Circuits and Linear Differential Equations
281 (6)
7.10 Using MATLAB to Plot Capacitor or Inductor Voltage and Current
287 (2)
7.11 How Can We Check...?
289 (1)
7.12 Design Example---Integrator and Switch
290 (3)
7.13 Summary
293 (18)
294 (15)
Design Problems
309 (2)
Chapter 8 The Complete Response of RL and RC Circuits
311 (57)
8.1 Introduction
311 (1)
8.2 First-Order Circuits
311 (3)
8.3 The Response of a First-Order Circuit to a Constant Input
314 (13)
8.4 Sequential Switching
327 (2)
8.5 Stability of First-Order Circuits
329 (2)
8.6 The Unit Step Source
331 (4)
8.7 The Response of a First-Order Circuit to a Nonconstant Source
335 (5)
8.8 Differential Operators
340 (2)
8.9 Using PSpice to Analyze First-Order Circuits
342 (3)
8.10 How Can We Check ...?
345 (4)
8.11 Design Example---A Computer and Printer
349 (3)
8.12 Summary
352 (16)
353 (13)
PSpice Problems
366 (1)
Design Problems
367 (1)
Chapter 9 The Complete Response of Circuits With Two Energy Storage Elements
368 (47)
9.1 Introduction
368 (1)
9.2 Differential Equation for Circuits with Two Energy Storage Elements
369 (4)
9.3 Solution of the Second-Order Differential Equation---The Natural Response
373 (3)
9.4 Natural Response of the Unforced Parallel RLC Circuit
376 (3)
9.5 Natural Response of the Critically Damped Unforced Parallel RLC Circuit
379 (1)
9.6 Natural Response of an Underdamped Unforced Parallel RLC Circuit
380 (2)
9.7 Forced Response of an RLC Circuit
382 (4)
9.8 Complete Response of an RLC Circuit
386 (3)
9.9 State Variable Approach to Circuit Analysis
389 (4)
9.10 Roots in the Complex Plane
393 (1)
9.11 How Can We Check . . .?
394 (3)
9.12 Design Example---Auto Airbag Igniter
397 (2)
9.13 Summary
399 (16)
401 (11)
PSpice Problems
412 (1)
Design Problems
413 (2)
Chapter 10 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis
415 (81)
10.1 Introduction
415 (1)
10.2 Sinusoidal Sources
416 (5)
10.3 Steady-State Response of an RL Circuit for a Sinusoidal Forcing Function
421 (1)
10.4 Complex Exponential Forcing Function
422 (4)
10.5 The Phasor
426 (4)
10.6 Phasor Relationships for R, L, and C Elements
430 (4)
10.7 Impedance and Admittance
434 (4)
10.8 Kirchhoff's Laws Using Phasors
438 (5)
10.9 Node Voltage and Mesh Current Analysis Using Phasors
443 (6)
10.10 Superposition, Thevenin and Norton Equivalents, and Source Transformations
449 (5)
10.11 Phasor Diagrams
454 (1)
10.12 Phasor Circuits and the Operational Amplifier
455 (2)
10.13 The Complete Response
457 (7)
10.14 Using MATLAB for Analysis of Steady-State Circuits with Sinusoidal Inputs
464 (2)
10.15 Using PSpice to Analyze AC Circuits
466 (3)
10.16 How Can We Check ...?
469 (2)
10.17 Design Example---Op Amp Circuit
471 (3)
10.18 Summary
474 (22)
474 (19)
PSpice Problems
493 (1)
Design Problems
494 (2)
Chapter 11 AC Steady-State Power
496 (62)
11.1 Introduction
496 (1)
11.2 Electric Power
496 (1)
11.3 Instantaneous Power and Average Power
497 (4)
11.4 Effective Value of a Periodic Waveform
501 (2)
11.5 Complex Power
503 (8)
11.6 Power Factor
511 (8)
11.7 The Power Superposition Principle
519 (3)
11.8 The Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
522 (1)
11.9 Coupled Inductors
523 (8)
11.10 The Ideal Transformer
531 (5)
11.11 How Can We Check . . .?
536 (2)
11.12 Design Example---Maximum Power Transfer
538 (2)
11.13 Summary
540 (18)
542 (14)
PSpice Problems
556 (1)
Design Problems
556 (2)
Chapter 12 Three-Phase Circuits
558 (36)
12.1 Introduction
558 (1)
12.2 Three-Phase Voltages
559 (3)
12.3 The Y-to-Y Circuit
562 (9)
12.4 The Δ-Connected Source and Load
571 (2)
12.5 The Y-to-Δ Circuit
573 (3)
12.6 Balanced Three-Phase Circuits
576 (2)
12.7 Instantaneous and Average Power in a Balanced Three-Phase Load
578 (3)
12.8 Two-Wattmeter Power Measurement
581 (3)
12.9 How Can We Check. . .?
584 (3)
12.10 Design Example---Power Factor Correction
587 (1)
12.11 Summary
588 (6)
589 (4)
PSpice Problems
593 (1)
Design Problems
593 (1)
Chapter 13 Frequency Response
594 (66)
13.1 Introduction
594 (1)
13.2 Gain, Phase Shift, and the Network Function
594 (12)
13.3 Bode Plots
606 (17)
13.4 Resonant Circuits
623 (7)
13.5 Frequency Response of Op Amp Circuits
630 (2)
13.6 Plotting Bode Plots Using MATLAB
632 (2)
13.7 Using PSpice to Plot a Frequency Response
634 (2)
13.8 How Can We Check . . . ?
636 (4)
13.9 Design Example---Radio Tuner
640 (2)
13.10 Summary
642 (18)
643 (13)
PSpice Problems
656 (2)
Design Problems
658 (2)
Chapter 14 The Laplace Transform
660 (70)
14.1 Introduction
660 (1)
14.2 Laplace Transform
661 (6)
14.3 Pulse Inputs
667 (4)
14.4 Inverse Laplace Transform
671 (6)
14.5 Initial and Final Value Theorems
677 (3)
14.6 Solution of Differential Equations Describing a Circuit
680 (1)
14.7 Circuit Analysis Using Impedance and Initial Conditions
681 (11)
14.8 Transfer Function and Impedance
692 (3)
14.9 Convolution
695 (4)
14.10 Stability
699 (3)
14.11 Partial Fraction Expansion Using MATLAB
702 (5)
14.12 How Can We Check. . . ?
707 (3)
14.13 Design Example---Space Shuttle Cargo Door
710 (3)
14.14 Summary
713 (17)
714 (14)
PSpice Problems
728 (1)
Design Problems
729 (1)
Chapter 15 Fourier Series and Fourier Transform
730 (63)
15.1 Introduction
730 (1)
15.2 The Fourier Series
731 (8)
15.3 Symmetry of the Function f(t)
739 (5)
15.4 Fourier Series of Selected Waveforms
744 (2)
15.5 Exponential Form of the Fourier Series
746 (8)
15.6 The Fourier Spectrum
754 (4)
15.7 Circuits and Fourier Series
758 (3)
15.8 Using PSpice to Determine the Fourier Series
761 (5)
15.9 The Fourier Transform
766 (3)
15.10 Fourier Transform Properties
769 (4)
15.11 The Spectrum of Signals
773 (1)
15.12 Convolution and Circuit Response
774 (3)
15.13 The Fourier Transform and the Laplace Transform
777 (2)
15.14 How Can We Check...?
779 (2)
15.15 Design Example---DC Power Supply
781 (3)
15.16 Summary
784 (9)
785 (6)
PSpice Problems
791 (1)
Design Problems
791 (2)
Chapter 16 Filter Circuits
793 (36)
16.1 Introduction
793 (1)
16.2 The Electric Filter
793 (1)
16.3 Filters
794 (1)
16.4 Second-Order Filters
794 (11)
16.5 High-Order Filters
805 (6)
16.6 Simulating Filter Circuits Using PSpice
811 (4)
16.7 How Can We Check . . . ?
815 (2)
16.8 Design Example---Anti-Aliasing Filter
817 (3)
16.9 Summary
820 (9)
820 (5)
PSpice Problems
825 (3)
Design Problems
828 (1)
Chapter 17 Two-Port and Three-Port Networks
829 (24)
17.1 Introduction
829 (1)
17.2 T-to-II Transformation and Two-Port Three-Terminal Networks
830 (2)
17.3 Equations of Two-Port Networks
832 (3)
17.4 Z and Y Parameters for a Circuit with Dependent Sources
835 (2)
17.5 Hybrid and Transmission Parameters
837 (2)
17.6 Relationships Between Two-Port Parameters
839 (2)
17.7 Interconnection of Two-Port Networks
841 (3)
17.8 How Can We Check . . . ?
844 (2)
17.9 Design Example---Transistor Amplifier
846 (2)
17.10 Summary
848 (5)
848 (4)
Design Problems
852 (1)
Appendix A Getting Started with PSpice 853 (7)
Appendix B MATLAB, Matricies and Complex Arithmetic 860 (11)
Appendix C Mathematical Formulas 871 (3)
Appendix D Standard Resistor Color Code 874 (2)
References 876 (3)
Index 879

9780470553022 9780470521571 (cloth : alk. paper)


Electric circuits.
Electric networks

TK454 / .D67 2010
