Kranacher, Mary-Jo, 1952-

Forensic accounting and fraud examination / Mary-Jo Kranacher, MBA, CPA, CFE, CFF, Richard A. (Dick) Riley, Jr., CPA, PhD, CFE, CFF. - Third Edition. - pages cm

Revised edition of the authors' Forensic accounting and fraud examination, [2020] Includes index.

Table of Contents
Preface xii

About the Authors xiv

Section i Introduction to Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination 1

1 Core Foundation Related to Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination 3

2 Who Commits Fraud and Why: The Profile and Psychology of the Fraudster 48

3 Legal, Regulatory, and Professional Environment 74

Section ii Fraud Schemes 109

4 Cash Receipt Schemes and Other Asset Misappropriations 111

5 Cash Disbursement Schemes 142

6 Corruption and the Human Factor 193

7 Financial Statement Fraud 217

Section iii Detection and Investigative Tools and Techniques 257

8 Fraud Detection: Red Flags and Targeted Risk Assessment 259

9 Evidence-Based Fraud Examinations 287

10 Effective Interviewing and Interrogation 323

11 Using Information Technology for Fraud Examination and Financial Forensics 354

Section iv Advanced Topics in Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination 377

12 Complex Frauds and Financial Crimes 379

13 Cybercrime: Fraud in a Digital World 410

14 Antifraud and Compliance Efforts: Ethics, Prevention, and Deterrence 433

Section v Litigation Advisory Services and Remediation 457

15 Consulting, Litigation Support, and Expert Witnessing: Damages, Valuations, and Other Engagements 459

16 Remediation and Litigation Advisory Services 518

Glossary 595

Index 599

"What's New in the Third Edition, We are excited to present the Third edition for Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination and appreciate the hard work of our associates at Wiley who helped make this possible. What is most exciting are the changes we've incorporated. Each chapter was carefully edited and rewritten to incorporate the most recent best practices from the practitioner community. We've updated all the research based on the ACFE's 2022 Report to the Nations. We included extensive examples in each chapter to connect the theory to real-world FAFE tools and techniques. We provided new case illustrations that walk readers step-by-step through evidentiary details to draw defensible conclusions. The end-of-chapter student assignments have been completely rebuilt and dramatically expanded"--



Fraud investigation.
Forensic accounting.

HV8079.F7 / K73 2024
