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Your search returned 1768 results.

Teaching character education through literature : awakening the moral imagination in secondary classrooms / Karen E. Bohlin.

by Bohlin, Karen E [author].

Language: English Publisher: London ; New York, NY : RoutledgeFalmer, 2005Online access: Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 370.114 B634 2005] (1).

Solutions for the assessment of bilinguals / Edited by Virginia C. Mueller Gathercole.

by Mueller-Gathercole, Virginia C [editor of compilation.].

Publisher: Bristol : Multilingual Matters, [2013]Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 370.1175 So845 2013] (1).

Bilingual and ESL classrooms : teaching in multicultural contexts / Carlos J. Ovando, Mary Carol Combs, Virginia P. Collier ; foreword by Jim Cummins ; afterword by Eugene E. García.

by Ovando, Carlos Julio [author] | Combs, Mary Carol | Collier, Virginia P.

Edition: FourthLanguage: English Publisher: Boston : McGraw-Hill, c2006Other title: Bilingual and English-as-a-second-language classrooms.Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 370.11750973 Ov1 2006] (1).

How to read and why / Harold Bloom.

by Bloom, Harold.

Publisher: New York : Scribner, c2000Online access: Contributor biographical information | Publisher description | Table of contents only Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 801.9 B623 2000] (1).

Philosophical foundations of education / Howard A. Ozmon, Samuel M. Craver.

by Ozmon, Howard | Craver, Samuel M.

Edition: 8th ed.Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, c2008Online access: Table of contents only Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 370.1 Oz6 2008] (1).

Traditions of writing research / edited by Charles Bazerman ... [et al.].

by Bazerman, Charles.

Publisher: New York ; London : Routledge, 2010Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 808 T675 2010] (1).

Facilitating students' collaborative writing / Bruce W. Speck.

by Speck, Bruce W [author] | ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education | Association for the Study of Higher Education | George Washington University. Graduate School of Education and Human Development.

Language: English Publisher: San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2002Online access: Publisher description | Table of contents Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 808.02 Sp31 2002] (1).

Higher order thinking skills : challenging all students to achieve / R. Bruce Williams.

by Williams, R. Bruce.

Publisher: Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Corwin, c2003Online access: Table of contents only | Publisher description | Contributor biographical information Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 370.152 W675 2003] (1).

How to assess higher-order thinking skills in your classroom / Susan M. Brookhart.

by Brookhart, Susan M [author].

Publisher: Alexandria, Va. : ASCD, 2010Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 370.152 B791 2010] (1).

Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy in the early years foundation stage / Anita M. Hughes.

by Hughes, Anita M [author].

Language: English Publisher: London : Routledge, 2009Online access: Table of contents only Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 370.1524 H874 2009] (1).

12 brain/mind learning principles in action : developing executive functions of the human brain / Renate Nummela Caine ... [et al.] ; foreword by Arthur L. Costa.

by Caine, Renate Nummela.

Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Corwin Press, c2009Other title: Twelve brain/mind learning principles in action.Online access: Table of contents only Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 370.1523 T917 2009] (1).

Foundations of education : the challenge of professional practice / Robert F. McNergney, Joanne M. McNergney.

by McNergney, Robert F [author] | McNergney, Joanne M.

Edition: Fourth editionLanguage: English Publisher: Boston, Mass. : Allyn and Bacon, c2004Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 370.973 Mc233 2004] (1).

Critical issues in education : dialogues and dialectics / Jack L. Nelson, Stuart B. Palonsky, Mary Rose McCarthy ; foreword Nel Noddings.

by Nelson, Jack L [author] | Palonsky, Stuart B | Carlson, Kenneth.

Edition: Fifth editionLanguage: English Publisher: Boston : McGraw-Hill, c2004Online access: Table of contents only Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 370.973 N334 2004] (2).

Critical issues in education : dialogues and dialectics / Jack L. Nelson, Stuart B. Palonsky, Mary Rose McCarthy ; foreword by Nel Noddings.

by Nelson, Jack L | Palonsky, Stuart B | McCarthy, Mary Rose, Ph. D.

Edition: 6th ed.Publisher: Boston : McGraw-Hil, c2007Online access: Table of contents only | Contributor biographical information Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 370.973 N334 2007] (1).

Teaching strategies in health education : with principles of teaching and learning / Cecilia E. Castro.

by Castro, Cecilia E [author] | Castro, Cecilia E [editor].

Edition: First editionLanguage: English Publisher: Manila : Educational Publishing House, [2009]Copyright date: 2009Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 610.711 C279 2009] (1).

Action research and reflective practice : creative and visual methods to facilitate reflection and learning / Paul McIntosh.

by McIntosh, Paul [author].

Language: English Publisher: London : Routledge, 2010Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 370.72 M189 2010] (1).

Becoming teachers : texts and testimonies, 1907-1950 / Peter Cunningham, Philip Gardner.

by Cunningham, Peter, 1948- [author] | Gardner, Philip, 1951-.

Language: English Publisher: London ; Portland, OR : Woburn Press, 2004Online access: Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 370.710941 C917 2004] (1).

Student teaching : early childhood practicum guide / Jeanne M. Machado, Helen Meyer-Botnarescue.

by Machado, Jeanne M [author] | Meyer-Botnarescue, Helen.

Edition: Fourth editionLanguage: English Publisher: Albany, NY : Delmar Thomson Learning, c2001Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 370.71 M18 2001] (1).

100 ideas for teaching English / Angella Cooze.

by Cooze, Angella.

Publisher: London ; New York : Continuum, c2006Other title: One hundred ideas for teaching English | Hundred ideas for teaching English.Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 420.71 C789 2006] (1).

The exceptional teacher : transforming traditional teaching through thoughtful practice / Elizabeth Aaronsohn.

by Aaronsohn, Elizabeth.

Edition: 1st ed.Publisher: San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2003Online access: Contributor biographical information | Table of contents | Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 370.71 Aa75 2003] (1).