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- McGraw-Hill series i...
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- Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin se...
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- Beer, Ferdinand P.
- Belch, George E.
- Blank, Leland T.
- Brue, Stanley L.,
- Buscemi, Santi V.
- Cortina, Joe.
- Davis, Mackenzie Leo...
- Elder, Janet,
- Feldman, Robert S.
- Hayt, William H.
- Jordan, Bradford D.
- Langan, John,
- Locker, Kitty O.
- McConnell, Campbell ...
- Neamen, Donald A.
- O'Leary, Linda I.
- O'Leary, Timothy J.,
- Ross, Stephen A.
- Santrock, John W.
- Westerfield, Randolp...
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- Apache (Computer fil...
- Arena (Computer file...
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- dBase IV (Computer f...
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