Your search returned 18 results.

Curriculum and instruction for all learners : blending systematic and constructivist approaches in inclusive elementary schools / edited by Beverly Rainforth & Judy W. Kugelmass.

by Rainforth, Beverly, 1949- | Kugelmass, Judy W.

Language: English Publisher: Baltimore, Md. : P.H. Brookes, c2003Other title: Curriculum & instruction for all learners.Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 372.19 C936 2003] (1).

At the end of the day : lessons learned in inclusive education / edited by Marquita Grenot-Scheyer, Mary Fisher, Debbie Staub.

by Grenot-Scheyer, Marquita | Fisher, Mary, Ph. D | Staub, Debbie.

Language: English Publisher: Baltimore : P.H. Brookes Pub. Co., c2001Other title: Lessons learned in inclusive education.Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.9046 At1 2001] (1).

Differentiating instruction in inclusive classrooms : the special educator's guide / Diane Haager, Janette K. Klingner.

by Haager, Diane [author] | Klingner, Janette K.

Language: English Publisher: Boston : Pearson/A and B, c2005Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.9046 H111 2005] (1).

Creating inclusive classrooms : effective and reflective practices for all students / Spencer J. Salend.

by Salend, Spencer J [author].

Edition: Fifth editionLanguage: English Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson/Merrill/Prentice Hall, c2005Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.9046 Sa32 2005] (1).

Teaching students with special needs in inclusive settings / Tom E.C. Smith ... [et al.].

by Smith, Tom E. C.

Edition: Fourth edition, IDEA 2004 update editionLanguage: English Publisher: Boston : Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, c2006Online access: Table of contents Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.9046 T22 2006] (1).

Making inclusion work / Frank Bowe.

by Bowe, Frank [author].

Language: English Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson/Merrill/Prentice Hall, c2005Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.90460973] (1).

Approaches to early childhood education / [ed. by] Jaipaul L. Roopnarine, James E. Johnson.

by Roopnarine, Jaipaul L | Johnson, James E. (James Ewald), 1947-.

Edition: 5th ed.Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Merrill/Pearson, c2009Online access: Table of contents only Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 372.21 Ap65 2009] (1).

Including students with special needs : a practical guide for classroom teachers / Marilyn Friend, William D. Bursuck.

by Friend, Marilyn Penovich, 1953- [author] | Bursuck, William D.

Edition: Fourth editionLanguage: English Publisher: Boston : Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, c2006Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.9046 F914 2006] (1).

Successful inclusive teaching : proven ways to detect and correct special needs / edited by Joyce S. Choate

by Choate, Joyce S. [editor].

Language: English Publisher: Boston : Pearson, 2003Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.90460973 Su19 2003] (1).

Teaching students with special needs in inclusive settings / Tom E.C. Smith ... [et al.].

by Smith, Tom E. C [author].

Edition: Fourth editionLanguage: English Publisher: Boston : Pearson, 2003Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.9046 T22 2003] (1).

Special education : contemporary perspectives for school professionals / Marilyn Friend.

by Friend, Marilyn Penovich, 1953- [author].

Language: English Publisher: Boston : Pearson, 2005Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.9 F915 2005] (1).

Taking sides : clashing views on controversial issues in special education /

Language: English Publisher: Guilford, Conn. : Dushkin / McGraw-Hill, 2002Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.9 T139 2002] (1).

Taking sides: clashing views on controversial issues in special education / selected, edited, with introductons by Mary Ann Byrnes

by Byrnes, Mary Ann [author].

Edition: Second editionLanguage: English Publisher: Dubuque, Iowa : McGraw-Hill / Dushkin, 2005Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.9 T139 2005] (1).

"You're going to love this kid" : teaching students with autism in the inclusive classroom / by Paula Kluth with invited contributors.

by Kluth, Paula [author].

Language: English Publisher: Baltimore : Paul Brookes, 2003Other title: Teaching students with autism in the inclusive classroom.Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.94 K716 2003] (1).

Teaching language arts, math, & science to students with significant cognitive disabilities / edited by Diane M. Browder and Fred Spooner.

by Browder, Diane M [editor] | Spooner, Fred [editor].

Publisher: Baltimore, Maryland : Paul H. Brookes Pub., 2006Other title: Teaching language arts, math, and science to students with significant cognitive disabilities.Online access: Table of contents only | Publisher description | Sample text | Contributor biographical information Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.928 T22 2006] (1).

Inclusive and special recreation : opportunities for persons with disabilities / Ralph W. Smith, David R. Austin, Dan W. Kennedy.

by Smith, Ralph W [author] | Austin, David R, 1941- | Kennedy, Dan W.

Edition: Fourth editionLanguage: English Publisher: Dubuque, Iowa : McGraw Hill, c2001Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 790.196 Sm64 2001] (1).

Joyful learning : active and collaborative learning in inclusive classrooms / Alice Udvari-Solner, Paula Kluth

by Udvari-Solner, Alice [author] | Kluth, Paula.

Language: English Publisher: Thousand Oaks, CA : Corwin Press, c2008Online access: Contributor biographical information | Publisher description | Table of contents only Availability: Items available for loan: ELEMENTARY LIBRARY [Call number: 371.9046 So46 2008] (1).

Teaching in today's inclusive classrooms : a universal design for learning approach / Richard M. Gargiulo, Debbie Metcalf.

by Gargiulo, Richard M [author.] | Metcalf, Deborah J [author.].

Edition: 4th edition.Language: English Publisher: Boston : Cengage Learning, [2023]Copyright date: © 2023Other title: Universal design for learning approach..Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.90460973 G181 2023] (1).