Your search returned 19 results.

Handbook in teaching common offenses and special criminal laws in basic education / Nicholas Felix L. Ty, Professorial Lecturer, College of Law, University of the Philippines, Celinia E. Balonso, Professor, College of Education, University of the Philippines.

by Ty, Nicholas Felix L [author.] | Balonso, Celinia E [author.].

Language: English, Filipino Publisher: [Quezon City] : U.P. Law Center, [2013]Publisher: c2013Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 364.1502 T95 2013] (3).

Criminal law book 1 : revised penal code / Atty. Ramil G. Gabao

by Gabao, Ramil G [author].

Edition: First edition.Language: English Publisher: Novaliches, Quezon City : Published and distributed by Chapter House Publishing Incorporated, [2020]Copyright date: c2020Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 345.599 G11 2020] (1).

Code of crimes, prepared and submitted by the Code Commission.

by Philippines.

Publisher: Manila : Bureau of Print, 1950Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 343.1 C648 [n.d.]] (1).

Criminal law and jurisprudence for criminology students. Book 2. Crimes and penalties / Atty. Ramil G. Gabao

by Gabao, Ramil G [author].

Language: English Publisher: Novaliches, Quezon City: ChapterHouse Publishing Incorporated, [2017]Copyright date: c2017Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 345.599 G11 2017] (2).

Bar review guide to criminal law : an insight to the bar exams / Dean Gemy Lito L. Festin.

by Festin, Gemy Lito L [author].

Edition: First EditionLanguage: English Publisher: Quezon City : Central Book Supply, Inc., [2015]Copyright date: c2015Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 345.599076 F4291 2015] (1).

The Revised Penal Code : criminal law / by Luis Reyes.

by Philippines | Reyes, Luis B.

Edition: Seventeenth EditionLanguage: English Publisher: Manila, Philippines Rex Book Store, [2008]Copyright date: c2008Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 345.599002632 P5385 2008] (2).

Criminal law : Revised Penal Code / by Abelardo C. Estrada.

by Estrada, Abelardo C | Philippines. Revised Penal Code.

Language: English Publisher: Manila, Philippines : Rex Book Store, c2008-c2011Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 345.599 Es881 2008] (2).

Notes and cases on special penal laws / by Leonor D. Boado.

by Boado, Leonor D.

Language: English Publisher: Manila, Philippines : Rex Book Store, c2007Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 345.599 B6301 2007] (1).

Criminal procedure : (the bar lectures series) / Willard B. Riano

by Riano, Willard B [author.] | Rex Book Store [publisher,, distributor.].

Edition: 2016 Language: English Publisher: Manila: Rex Book Store, [2016]Publisher: c2016Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 345.59905 R351 2016] (1).

The Revised Penal Code : criminal law / Luis B. Reyes

by Philippines [issuing body.] | Reyes, Luis B [compiler.].

Edition: Eighteenth edition.Language: English Publisher: Manila : Rex Book Store, [2012]Copyright date: c2012Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 345.599002632 P5385 2012] (2).

Special penal laws criminal law reviewer : question and answer notes; recent cases; updated laws and rules; bar questions and suggested answer / Gemy Lito L. Festin.

by Festin, Gemy Lito L [author].

Language: English Publisher: Manila : Rex Book Store, [2013]Copyright date: c2013Other title: Special penal laws criminal law reviewer, vol. 1: a foresight to the bar exam series.Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 345.599076 F4291 2013] (1).

Special penal laws criminal law reviewer : question and answer notes; recent cases; updated laws and rules; bar questions and suggested answer / Gemy Lito L. Festin.

by Festin, Gemy Lito L [author].

Edition: 2014 editionLanguage: English Publisher: Manila : Rex Book Store, [2014]Copyright date: c2014Other title: Special penal laws criminal law reviewer, vol. 2: a foresight to the bar exam series.Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 345.599076 F4291 2014] (1).

Bedan red book : a reviewer based on the supreme court bar exam syllabus

by San Beda College of Law.

Language: English Publisher: San Miguel, Manila, Metro Manila : San Beda College of Law Centralized Bar Operation , [2013]Copyright date: c2013Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 340.599076 B3901 2013] (2).

Revised rules of criminal procedure annotated : (rules 110-127, rules of court) / by Manuel R. Pamaran.

by Pamaran, Manuel R [author].

Edition: 2012 edition.Language: English Publisher: Quezon City : Central Book Supply, Inc., [2012]Copyright date: c2012Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 345.599 P19 2012] (1).

Fundamentals of criminal law review / by Antonio L. Gregorio

by Gregorio, Antonio L [author].

Edition: Tenth edition.Language: English Publisher: Manila, Philippines : Rex Book Store, Inc., [2008]Copyright date: c2008Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 345.599 G8619 2008] (1).

Criminal law reviewer, volume 1 / by Judge Marlo Bermejo Campanilla, Presiding Judge, Metropolitan Trial Court, Branch 83, North Caloocan City.

by Campanilla, Marlo Bermejo [author].

Edition: 1st Edition. Language: English Publisher: Manila, Philippines : Rex Book Store, [2016]Copyright date: c2016Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 345.599 C151 2016] (1).

Criminal law and jurisprudence for criminologist : topnotchers series / Richardo M. Guevara, Atty. Anthony L. Endrenal

by Guevara, Richardo M [author] | Endrenal, Anthony L [author].

Edition: Third edition.Language: English Publisher: Quezon City : Wiseman's Books Trading, [2021]Copyright date: ©2021Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 345.599 G9392 2021] (1).

Basic criminal law : the Revised Penal Code : Articles 1-113 / Judge Ma. Rowena V. Alejandria, LLM

Language: English Publisher: Quezon City: Central Books, 2022Availability: No items available

Basic criminal law : the Revised Penal Code : Articles 1-113 / Judge Ma. Rowena V. Alejandria, LLM

by Alejandria, Ma. Rowena V [author].

Language: English Publisher: Quezon City: Central Books, 2022Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 345.599002632 Al252] (1).