Transforming the curriculum : preparing students for a changing world / Elizabeth A. Jones ; prepared ... in cooperation with ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education, the George Washington University, Association for the Study of Higher Education, Graduate School of Education and Human Development, the George Washington University.
By: Jones, Elizabeth A [author]
Contributor(s): ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education | Association for the Study of Higher Education | George Washington University. Graduate School of Education and Human Development
Language: English Series: ASHE-ERIC higher education report, v. 29, no. 3Publisher: San Francisco, Calif. : Jossey-Bass, c2002Description: xi, 110 pages ; 23 cmContent type: text Media type: unmediated Carrier type: volume ISBN: 0787963488 (pbk.); 9780787963484Other title: Preparing students for a changing worldSubject(s): Curriculum planning -- United States | Curriculum change -- United States | Curriculum evaluation | Education, Higher -- Curricula -- United States | Education -- CurriculaDDC classification: 375/.001 LOC classification: LB2806.15 | .J66 2002Online resources: Publisher description | Table of contents onlyItem type | Current location | Home library | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode | Item holds |
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COLLEGE LIBRARY | COLLEGE LIBRARY SUBJECT REFERENCE | 375.001 J714 2002 (Browse shelf) | Available | CITU-CL-36974 |
Includes bibliographical references (p. 95-101) and indexes.
The changing business environment and the need for responsive action -- Defining professional education and ideal outcomes -- Examining criticisms of professional education and calls for reform -- Purpose and scope of this report -- Curriculum reforms in the professions: responding to calls for change -- Curriculum reform in accounting programs -- Curriculum reform in nursing programs -- Curriculum reform in teacher education programs -- Implementing and assessing internships -- Examining internships through the McDonough Center for Leadership and Business, Marietta College -- Assessing student learning through internships at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh -- Building communities of inquiry and support through internships at the University of New Hampshire -- Designing strong internship experiences -- assessing the internship experience and student learning -- Summary -- Building conditions that promote change -- Creating trust -- Promoting change by a committed leadership -- Designing incremental change -- Educating faculty -- Designing meaningful incentives -- Implications for the implementation and maintenance of curriculum transformations -- Stating clear and measurable outcomes linked across courses, the professional preparation program, and institutional levels -- Designing learning experiences to achieve the selected outcomes -- Selecting multiple assessment methods -- Reviewing assessment results to make targeted improvements -- Developing new partnerships -- Sustaining learner-centered curriculum reforms.
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