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- Bae, Kyung-min,
- Biehler, Robert F.
- Bustos, Alicia S.
- Dworetzky, John P.
- Eason, katherine
- Feldman, Robert S.
- Feldman, Ruth Duskin...
- Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.
- Lahey, Benjamin B.
- Myers, David G.
- Nolen-Hoeksema, Susa...
- Olds, Sally Wendkos.
- Papalia, Diane E.
- Passer, Michael W.
- Rathus, Spencer A.
- Rico, Ma. Kristina C...
- Santrock, John W.
- Santrock, John W.,
- Smith, Ronald Edward...
- Zimbardo, Philip G.
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