Your search returned 2 results.

A critique on the Philippine free and prior informed consent guidelines of 2006 / Ana Rhia T. Muhi

by Muhi, Ana Rhia T | Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center (Philippines).

Publisher: Quezon City: LRC-KSK, c2007Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 346.599013 M892 2007] (4).

Peace and the law : perspectives on the draft Bangsamoro Basic Law / Dean Pacifico Agabin, Dean Merlin M. Magallon, Justice Vicente V. Mendoza.

by Agabin, Pacifico [author] | Magallon , Merlin M [author] | Mendoza, Vicente V. III [author].

Language: English Publisher: Quezon City: University of the Philippines College of Law Center, [2015]Copyright date: c2015Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 342.599 Ag12 2015] (1).