Implementation and application of automata : 10th international conference, CIAA 2005, Sophia Antipolis, France, June 27-29, 2005 : revised selected papers / Jacques Farré, Igor Litovsky and Sylvain Schmitz (eds.). by CIAA 2005 (2005 : Sophia-Antipolis, France) | Farré, Jacques | Litovsky, Igor | Schmitz, Sylvain. Publisher: Berlin : Springer, 2006Online access: Table of contents only | Restricted to SpringerLink subscribers | Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY
[Call number: 004 Im7 2006]
Relational methods in computer science : 8th International Seminar on Relational Methods in Computer Science, 3rd International Workshop on Applications of Kleene Algebra and Workshop of COST Action 274, TARSKI, St. Catharines, ON, Canada, February 22-26, 2005 : Selected revised papers / Wendy MacCaull, Michael Winter, and Ivo Düntsch (eds.). by International Seminar on Relational Methods in Computer Science (8th : 2005 : St. Catharines, Ont.) | MacCaull, Wendy | Winter, Michael, Ph. D | Düntsch, Ivo | European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (Organization). COST Action 274 TARSKI (Project). Workshop (2005 : St. Catharines, Ont.) | International Workshop on Applications of Kleene Algebra (3rd : 2005 : St. Catharines, Ont.). Publisher: Berlin : Springer, c2006Online access: Click here to access online | Publisher description | Table of contents only Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY
[Call number: 004 R279 2006]
High performance computing--HiPC 2005 : 12th international conference, Goa, India, December 18-21, 2005 : proceedings / David A. Bader, Manish Parashar, Varadajaran Sridhar, and Viktor K. Prasanna (eds.). by International Conference on High Performance Computing (12th : 2005 : Velha Goa, India) | Bader, David A, 1969-. Publisher: Berlin : Springer, c2005Online access: Publisher description | Table of contents only Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY
[Call number: 004.11 H537 2005]
Advances in computer science--Asian 2005 : Data management on the Web : 10th Asian Computing Science Conference, Kunming, China, December 7-9, 2005 : proceedings / Stéphane Grumbach, Liying Sui, and Victor Vianu (eds.). by Asian Computing Science Conference (10th : 2005 : Kunming Shi, China) | Grumbach, Stéphane | Sui, Liying | Vianu, Victor. Publisher: Berlin : Springer, c2005Online access: Table of contents | Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY
[Call number: 004.095 Ad95 2005]
Power-aware computer systems : fourth International Workshop, PACS 2004, Portland, OR, USA, December 5, 2004 : revised selected papers / Babak Falsafi, T.N. Vijaykumar (eds.). by PACS 2004 (2004 : Portland, Or.) | Falsafi, Babak | Vijaykumar, T. N, 1967-. Language: English Publisher: New York : Springer, c2005Online access: Table of contents only | Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY
[Call number: 621.3916 P871 2005]
DNA computing : 11th International Workshop on DNA Computing, DNA11, London, on, Canada, June 6-9, 2005. revised selected papers. / Alessandra Carbone, Niles A. Pierce (eds.). by International Workshop on DNA-Based Computers (11th : 2005 : London, Ont.) | Carbone, Alessandra | Pierce, Niles A. Language: English Publisher: New York : Springer, c2006Online access: Table of contents only | Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY
[Call number: 621.391 D44 2006]
Embedded software and systems : Second international conference, ICESS 2005, Xi'an, China, December 16-18, 2005 : Proceedings / Laurence T. Yang, Xingshe Zhou, Wei Zhao, Zhaohui Wu, Yian Zhu, and Man Lin (Eds.) by ICESS 2005 (2005 : Xi'an, Shaanxi Sheng, China) | Yang, Laurence Tianruo. Publisher: Berlin : Springer, c2005Online access: Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY
[Call number: 004.21 Em13 2005]
Advances in computer systems architecture : 10th Asia-Pacific conference, ACSAC 2005, Singapore, October 24-26, 2005 : proceedings / Thambipillai Srikanthan, Jingling Xue, and Chip-Hong Chang (eds.). by ACSAC (Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference) (10th : 2005 : Singapore) | Srikanthan, Thambipillai | Xue, Jingling, 1962- | Chang, Chip-Hong. Language: English Publisher: Berlin : Springer, c2005Other title: ACSAC 2005.Online access: Access from campus or login via Rutgers account. | Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY
[Call number: 004.22 Ad95 2005]
High performance embedded architectures and compilers : First international conference, HiPEAC 2005, Barcelona, Spain, November 17-18, 2005 : proceedings / Tom Conte, Nacho Navarro, Wen-mei W. Hwu, Mateo Valero, and Theo Ungerer (Editors) by HiPEAC 2005 (2005 : Barcelona, Spain) | Conte, Tom. Publisher: Berlin : Springer, c2005Other title: HiPEAC 2005.Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY
[Call number: 004.3 H537 2005]
Artificial evolution : 7th international conference, Evolution Artificielle, EA 2005, Lille, France, October 26-28, 2005 : revised selected papers / El-Ghazali Talbi, Pierre Liardet, Pierre Collet, Evelyne Lutton, and Marc Schoenauer (Editors) by EA 2005 (2005 : Lille, France) | Talbi, El-Ghazali, 1965-. Publisher: Berlin : Springer, c2006Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY
[Call number: 005.1 Ar78 2006]
Approximation and online algorithms : third international workshop, WAOA 2005, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, October 6-7, 2005 : revised selected papers / Thomas Erlebach, Giuseppe Persiano (Editors) by WAOA 2005 (2005 : Palma de Mallorca, Spain) | Erlebach, Thomas | Persinao, Giuseppe | SpringerLink (Online service). Publisher: Berlin : Springer-Verlag, c2006Other title: WAOA 2005.Online access: Table of contents only | Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY
[Call number: 005.1 Ap58 2006]
Developments in language theory : 9th international conference, DLT 2005, Palermo, Italy, July 4-8, 2005 : proceedings / Clelia De Felice, Antonio Restivo (eds.). by Conference on Developments in Language Theory (9th : 2005 : Palermo, Italy) | De Felice, Clelia | Restivo, Antonio. Publisher: Berlin ; New York : Springer, c2005Other title: DLT 2005.Online access: Table of contents | Restricted to SpringerLink subscribers | Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY
[Call number: 511.3 D492 2005]
Advanced parallel processing technologies : 6th international workshop, APPT 2005, Hong Kong, China, October 27-28, 2005 : proceedings / Jiannong Cao, Wolfgang Nejdl, Ming Xu (eds.). by APPT 2005 (2005 : Hong Kong, China) | Cao, Jiannong [author.] | Nejdl, W. (Wolfgang), 1960- [author.] | Xu, Ming [author.]. Publisher: Germany : Springer-Verlag, c2005Other title: APPT 2005.Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY
[Call number: 005.275 Ad95 2005]