Esler, William K.
Teaching elementary science : a full spectrum science instruction approach / William K. Esler, Mary K. Esler - Eight edition - x, 616 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
Includes index
Includes bibliographical references and index.
SECTION ONE: ORGANIZING TO TEACH CHILDREN SCIENCE. 1. An Introduction to Elementary School Science. 2. How Children Learn Science. 3. Teaching Science by Constructivist Inquiry Methods. 4. Teaching Elementary Science Using Full Spectrum Science Instruction (FSSI). 5. Planning for Instruction and Assessing Student Progress in the FSSi System. 6. Technology and Materials for the Elementary Science Classrooms. 7. Integrating Science with Other Subjects. 8. Individualizing Science and Science for Exceptional Children. 9. Teaching Children to Solve Problems of Science, Technology, and Society. SECTION TWO: UNITS OF STUDY FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCIENCE. Part A: Investigating Living Things. 10. Investigating Plant Life. 11. Investigating Animal Life. 12. Investigating Ecological Relationship. 13. Investigating the Human Body. Part B. Understanding Physical Science. 14. Atoms and Molecules: The Building Blocks of Matter. 15. Heat and Matter. 16. Light. 17. Magnetism. 18. Electricity. 19. Sound. 20. Using Energy to Do Work: Simple Machines. 21. Flight: From Kitty Hawk to the Space Shuttle. 22. Teaching Metric Measurement. 23. The Solar System and the Universe Beyond. 24. Earth: Its Structure and History. 25. Earth''s Oceans. 26. Earth''s Atmosphere and Weather. APPENDIXES: Appendix A. Selected Commercial Suppliers of Science Materials. B. Selected Suppliers of Audiovisual Materials. C. Selected Sources of Free and Inexpensive Science Teaching Materials. D. Professional Publications for Teachers. E. Selected Publishers of Personal Computer Software for Elementary Science. F. Selected Trade Book Publishers. G. Keeping Animals in the Classroom. H. Selected Children''s Magazines. I. Selected Science Teachers Organizations. INDEX
Science--Study and teaching (Elementary)
Science --Study and teaching (Primary)
Teaching elementary science : a full spectrum science instruction approach / William K. Esler, Mary K. Esler - Eight edition - x, 616 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
Includes index
Includes bibliographical references and index.
SECTION ONE: ORGANIZING TO TEACH CHILDREN SCIENCE. 1. An Introduction to Elementary School Science. 2. How Children Learn Science. 3. Teaching Science by Constructivist Inquiry Methods. 4. Teaching Elementary Science Using Full Spectrum Science Instruction (FSSI). 5. Planning for Instruction and Assessing Student Progress in the FSSi System. 6. Technology and Materials for the Elementary Science Classrooms. 7. Integrating Science with Other Subjects. 8. Individualizing Science and Science for Exceptional Children. 9. Teaching Children to Solve Problems of Science, Technology, and Society. SECTION TWO: UNITS OF STUDY FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCIENCE. Part A: Investigating Living Things. 10. Investigating Plant Life. 11. Investigating Animal Life. 12. Investigating Ecological Relationship. 13. Investigating the Human Body. Part B. Understanding Physical Science. 14. Atoms and Molecules: The Building Blocks of Matter. 15. Heat and Matter. 16. Light. 17. Magnetism. 18. Electricity. 19. Sound. 20. Using Energy to Do Work: Simple Machines. 21. Flight: From Kitty Hawk to the Space Shuttle. 22. Teaching Metric Measurement. 23. The Solar System and the Universe Beyond. 24. Earth: Its Structure and History. 25. Earth''s Oceans. 26. Earth''s Atmosphere and Weather. APPENDIXES: Appendix A. Selected Commercial Suppliers of Science Materials. B. Selected Suppliers of Audiovisual Materials. C. Selected Sources of Free and Inexpensive Science Teaching Materials. D. Professional Publications for Teachers. E. Selected Publishers of Personal Computer Software for Elementary Science. F. Selected Trade Book Publishers. G. Keeping Animals in the Classroom. H. Selected Children''s Magazines. I. Selected Science Teachers Organizations. INDEX
Science--Study and teaching (Elementary)
Science --Study and teaching (Primary)